Ch. 6 Hit and Run

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Ch.6 - Hit and Run



Bentley's POV


"Only Half?" I said arching an eyebrow. I stared off into space as I wrapped my head around what he just said to me. "Only half! Only half demon! How is that possible! What's the other half!" I shrieked out questions after finally processing what the 'half breed' told me.

His eyes widened with every question I screamed at him and a smirk appeared on his face as I started backing away from him, my arms up in a karate chop position, warning him against coming any closer to me.

"What's the other half? An angel? It is, isn't it? God and the Devil wanted to create the perfect beast, is that it?!" I screamed as I backed myself into a corner, which is never the smartest place to be. Dante's smirk grew wider as he started his advance toward me, not saying a word.

"No stay away from me!" I screamed at him as I pressed further into the wall, wishing that I could go through it and get away from this beast.

He stopped right in front of me and placed his hands on my waist. "Calm down, Bentley." He whispered. I stood frozen in place and shaking in fear as he lowered his head to my ear. I shivered and let out a whimper as his warm breath caressed my ear.

"I-I-Is there a r-reason f-for me to c-calm down." I stuttered nervously, placing my hands on his chest and weakly trying to push him away. Why does he make me feel so weak when he's close?

"Babe," He cooed and pressed his body against mine, "I'm not half angel."

I gasped as lean muscle met my smooth beach tanned skin, sending electricity up my arms and making my knees give out. His body was the only thing keeping me from sliding down the wall. "Then what is your other half?" I asked breathlessly.

He trailed his lips feather light across my neck and chuckled. "I'm half human." He suddenly brought his face into my field of vision and I let out another gasp. His eyes were pitch black again and I knew what was going to happen if I didn't get away from him soon.

"Dante," I said shakily, trying to keep the tears pooling in my eyes from falling, "Dante, please stop and calm down your scaring me." He gets sexual when his eyes are black. I can't deny that I enjoy it, but, it's just that I don't know anything about him and we're not even dating. He kind of forces himself on me and gets me so frustrated that I just can't say no. But, I don't want a repeat of what happened a little while ago and he is quite scary when his eyes are black.

"Oh, but you see, Bentley," He said, delving his head back into my neck and licking it from the base all the way up to my chin, before looking me back into my eyes, "I don't want to stop and I think you'll get over your fear soon." With that said, his hands start to travel down from my hips to my thighs. Giving my thighs a harsh squeeze that made me gasp in slight pain, he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist, up under his red trench coat, which covered my legs from view of anyone that could walk in on us again.

"Please stop." I whispered, turning my head to the side in a failed attempt to get further away from him, though, I just ended up giving Dante more access to my neck.

He growled slightly at my attempt to get further away from him, but dived back toward my neck anyway, making me whimper. He kissed along my pulse and I couldn't stop the moan that tore its way from my throat as he reached my sweet spot.

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