Ch. 25 Is This the Part When...

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I got lazy. No excuses. I'm updating don't worry. Can't guarantee it'll be any good. Let me know what you think. Leave funny comments if possible.


Ch. 25


After some ruff love making on the shower, we hopped out, dried off, and got dressed. I say we but it was really Dante doing all those things for me, you know, since I couldn't feel my legs. And may I just say that Dante has a one track mind. When he was drying me, he used every opportunity he could to grope my ass, my breasts, hell even my vagina. Which ended with me whacking him in the head. I mean, I need a break, I'm still sore from five minutes ago!

But after everything was said and done, he hauled me up into his arms like the cash he craves, and hoisted me out of our room and down the stairs. He places me on the counter in the little kitchen area and then leaned back against the opposite counter expectantly. I look at him with a confused expression for a good while, I mean did he want me to cook? I can't even stand! So that's not happening.

"Is this the part when the man sits on his ass while the sore girlfriend makes him food without any complaints? Because that is so not happening." I say leaning back against the wall.

Dante rose his eyebrows at me before stalking foreword and pushing my legs apart so he could stand between them.

"Noo, this is the part where I ask you what you want to eat." He says while placing his hands on the counter top on either side of my hips.

"You know how to cook?" I asked in an incredulous tone. I mean who would of thought that he would know how to cook, the stove looks like it's never been used!

"No, I don't." He said, making my face deadpan. He chuckled before continuing. "But I know how to order takeout." He finished, reaching next to me and picking up a phone I didn't know was there. But who would be paying attention to a phone with this fine piece of man meat in front of you.

"I guess I'll have whatever you have." I said while rolling my eyes, a small smile making it's way onto my face.

"One extra large supreme pizza with no olives coming right up." He said while dialing the number and turning around so his back was facing me. While he was talking on the phone and kept stressing the no olives part. I took it upon myself to shove my hands under his shirt and start tracing his back muscles. He relaxed under my touch and let out a sigh as I kneaded and massages his back.

He leaned his head back so it was resting on my shoulder and it was then I started to realize my vision starting to get fuzzy and my head starting to spin. I felt the need to sleep, but I wasn't tired. Starting from my toes I felt my body start to go numb, slowly and unintentionally shutting itself down.

My head fell limp onto Dante's shoulder and I think it was then when he realized something was wrong. He quickly turn around and hung up the phone. He grabbed my head in both his hands and gently held it up, since I couldn't. His lips started moving, but I couldn't hear what he was saying.

I had no control, on the inside I was panicking, but on the outside it probably just looked like I was tired. Dante's form got blurrier and blurrier, and I knew he knew something was wrong when he picked me up and ran me to the couch, where he laid me down, and then running back into the kitchen to get the phone.

The last thing I saw was him talking in rushed words into the phone.




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