Love Ring (Part 2) (Sad)

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It has been a month since Y/N left.

Does he feel bad? Of course, he does. She's the love of his life for God's sake. But maybe his pride got in the way that he could not see how bad he fucked up. At least he still got his other girl, right?

He did end up giving Lilia a ring, she's the girl he's been screwing behind Y/N. Well, not the lovie ring, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't do that, couldn't give her the ring so he got another one, the cheaper one, the least special one, the one that doesn't have any engraving inside. He met Lilia at one of the clubs when he was on tour, she threw herself at him, he was drunk that day and let's just say he felt more alone than he usually does that day, so his lust got the best of him.

The only reason why he didn't talk to Y/N about his problem, about him being bored of the only constant thing in his life–which is Y/N, before, is because he always has this communication problem. He cannot really talk to people about his problem, it took him a while to open up and be vulnerable in front of Y/N, and being away from her for a while just made his trust with her fade away, he hates it because he loves her. God, he loves her so much that he doesn't know what to do sometimes and now he broke her, he broke her heart, bad. He didn't mean to cheat, but once it happened, it just feels so easy to just cheat rather than talk to her about his problem. And Lilia, Lilia just always seems available and easy, that's why he cheated with her.

Shawn walked into his room, exhausted, he's been staying in his room for a week, trying to avoid everyone and to be honest, trying to also hide his so-called mistress. There's a strong smell of vanilla when he walked into his room, and somehow it irritates him, it usually smells like jasmine in his room, even all of his house, but now it smells like vanilla and he's not sure whether he likes it or not. He went to his table in the corner and lit up his candle, he hasn't lightened up his candles for years because he adores Y/N's smell so much that he doesn't want it to go away.


Shawn is usually really picky about who he allows cooking in his house just because he doesn't really like it when someone messes with his kitchen and the order of everything in his kitchen. He enjoys cooking and doesn't like it when everything is out of the place. However, this time he lets Lilia cook for him, well, it doesn't really go well, because it ended up with him cooking for the both of them.

"Wow, Shawn. You really are a good cook," said Lilia, sitting in front of Shawn while eating their dinner.

"I know, I am. I don't usually cook tho, it's usually–," He stopped himself before he mentions her name.

"You know you can say her name, right?" Lilia looked at him for a while and he turned his face away, he chooses to ignore her, and it's been silence for ten minutes since then.

"Here," he said while giving her all the broccoli and tomatoes.

"Ew, what for? I hate onions, and ugh I despise bell pepper," she said, and she stands up to the bin to throw away the onions and bell pepper.

"Sorry, a habit," He said quietly.

They have finally finished eating their dinner and just sit on their chair quietly while on their phone when all of a sudden Lilia started the conversation with.

"Hey, look, it's your ex on my explore page," she said while giving Shawn her phone for him to look at.

"Hmm," he said, nodding without looking at her phone, "look, isn't he that guy from Forbes richest young entrepreneur or something?" She gave him the phone again, and this time he looked up so fast.

"What? You know him?" He asked while grabbing her phone from her hands and started looking at his Instagram profile.

"I know him, he's cute. Saw him on the news when he was on the Forbes list." She said while grabbing her phone back.

"Oh," he said while looking down at his lover ring that he decided to put on again, "she moved on."

"Good for her then," she said casually while drinking her juice.

"What?" he looked up, surprised at what she said.

"Good for her for moving on," she repeated what she said earlier, making it clearer.

"I thought I could fix whatever happened with us, I–" He once again looked at his ring, he took all of his rings month ago but decided to leave his lover ring.

"What? Do you expect to fix things with her? Shawn, you cheated on her. I don't blame her for moving on so soon, that if she is." Lilia shook her head in disbelief of what she's hearing right now.

"I love her, Lilia. She's– I fucked up bad," he said while covering his face with his hands.

"You're not."

"What?" he asked her, lifting his head to meet her eyes.

"I might be cheap, but I am not stupid Mendes," she sighed.

"You're not in love with her. Because if you do, you wouldn't be with me right now. If you're in love with her, you wouldn't be with me in the first place. So yeah, like what I said, good for her." Lilia stood up and walked to his side, patting his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. You might be pretty and rich, but you don't deserve her." She continued and then walk to the door, Shawn was left speechless in his seat, no one is ever that straightforward with him, saying that he's not worthy of something.

Lilia reached for the door before looking back.

"You coming or not?" she asked before leaving him.

"You know what? I think I'm going to pass this one." He said, doesn't feel like going to a party at all, in fact, he doesn't feel like doing anything.

"Your loss," Lilia said before leaving him.


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