Starry Hearts

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He's not sure if it's his undiagnosed insomnia that keeps him awake or the fact that he's been a musician for far too long.

Truth is that flying from country to country where different time zones plague the area gets tiring, and hotel room are always so white.

The sun shines through the blinds and it makes everything so blinding. Most of the time, he can't seem to sleep very well because slivers of light peek their way through the closed curtains. More than often, it keeps him wide awake.

But he's never a dick; no matter how cranky he feels and he often has to premeditate his actions and choose his words wisely.

If anyone was asked to sum up Shawn Mendes, unkind remarks and diva-like actions were never brought up. Besides, he's never really liked pesky paparazzi and nosy reporters up to his ass they way that they wanted to be.

But Shawn isn't in a hotel room and he isn't tired, but he can't sleep. And he thinks maybe it's the fact he's an undiagnosed insomniac or quite possibly the idea that his little girl, his sweet little Gabriella, was down the hall.

Shawn never wants to close his eyes for too long when he's home because he never wants to miss it. He never wants to miss his baby's first words or her first tooth or even her first little cold that he knows will be hell, but he'll never mind it.

He'll do anything for her. He'll move heaven and hell into the same realm, run through fire, and even end his career if it meant he could spend time with her.

Although little Gabriella Elise Mendes was here for only 7 months, she had her daddy wrapped around her finger. He can't see himself not having her around and it's crazy, he thinks, how you could love someone who isn't even aware of it.

She's ruined his social life and Shawn doesn't mind in the slightest. He hasn't had more than half a beer in the seven months her eyes had been open and he never comes home later than 7:00 so he's sure he can sing her to sleep and yeah, it's boring, and yeah it's tiring, but Shawn's never required lots of sleep or entertainment so he's satisfied.

Niall's invited him over for drinks and Brian has offered to pay for all the shots he can down, but Shawn never takes the offers. He feels guilty making his friends pay for him; especially if he knows he'll end up going home early anyway.

Most of the time he puts on a Blues' Clues episode (it was his favorite when he was tiny) and sits on the couch in his family room with his little girl on his knee. She often babbles away and sometimes Shawn thinks he puts on the show for himself rather than Gabriella, who can't quite comprehend what's happening yet.

A lot of the time he winds up going to bed shortly after she does, but he never sleeps. It's always been hard for him to get a good night's rest and apparently he's passed that trait of himself down to his little love.

Gabriella doesn't cry a lot and unknowingly to her father, she's awake for most of the night as well. His mother swears he and his daughter are alike in so many ways that it's scary.

She came out with starry eyes and singer's lungs as well as a knack for attention like her father. She was a spoiled princess from the minute she left the hospital, and that hasn't changed at all.

So his damn insomnia and father's intuition drives him up the wall until he gets out of bed and tries to walk as quietly as he can around his house. He swears he hates himself for getting all hardwood floors because they're insanely cold during the fall and winter months. He can't even bother to wrap his thoughts around the fact that they're stupidly dangerous.

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