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I am sorry i havetn posted in a while i like completly forgot about wattpad!!!


Cold. Cold was the afternoon that sent shivers down your spine, and the thick fur coat you're wearing has stopped working its use. The soft but pleasant wind blew what leaves were left in the trees, the grass didn't have the same shade of green as you remembered them last. This place used to always look so lively, it was weird to see it all dead and withering.

Your thoughts were broken and your heart raced in your chest when you heard that all too familiar hum of his car. You see the black Jeep as it turned into the clearing, pulling up right by your car, leaving the engine running, like always. Just this time it's different, and you both know it. He got out of the Jeep, and also left the radio playing–He always did this, he used to say that the silence drove him insane. And you used to say that his car will get stolen someday. His brown hair was getting messed up by the wind. It was still that gorgeous mess that you used to run your hands in. His eyes, dull and heavy, as if he'd been up all night, and now struggling to keep them open. He was wearing a hoodie that you've never seen him wear before. Despite the fact that he's standing right in front of you, somehow you felt distant.

Sitting beside you on your car's hood, he tried his best not to have quick glances at you, and you sat up way too straight. "Hey," he greeted you- too formal in your opinion. Same car, same brown hair, same brown eyes, same voice, but it doesn't feel like the same person you've loved for years. You caught a whiff of his cologne and would normally find it comforting, but right now, it only gave you a painful reminder of what's coming.

"Hey," you look up at him. Quickly averting your gaze to a rock, you attempt to refresh your mind the various ways of how you've thought this conversation might go. Millions of words to say, yet you fail to let out what will surely break the two hearts that no longer beat for each other. Mentally scoffing, you close your mouth and simply.. stare at a rock.

"Remember the first time we came here?" He brought up.

You let out a small laugh, that was like centuries ago. When you guys officially started dating. "Yeah, we laid on a blanket and watched the stars."

Shawn had a small smile on his face, reminiscing all the memories both you and him had in this clearing. He smiled at the memory. "That's the first time I told you I loved you."

Feeling a tinge of pain in your chest, your cheeks drop. Loved. You purse your lips and force a smile. "You remember?" You build all the courage to look at him, but he was looking straight at the tree that used to provide shade on sunny days.

"I remember," he looks back at you, his brown eyes meeting yours, "a lot more than you think." You didn't know if it was just you, but something flashed in his eyes. "Where did we go wrong?"

The two of you just sat in silence for what felt like an eternity, only hearing the faint music coming from his Jeep. Neither of you knew the answer to his simple question. What he said hit something deep inside, thinking maybe you held all the responsibility in this crumbling relationship. But you both did. 'Where did we go wrong? Why did it go south when we were just so painfully in love? Why wasn't love and trust enough to save us?'

Bad tempers, crazy fights, hours of crying yourself to sleep, and the cheating rumors of him while he was on tour. Fans have already broken you up before you and he even knew it. But you remember that if you're meant to be with each other, you shouldn't have to try so hard.

"Shawn," you called out to him, trying to muster all the courage you had left. Even if you knew it will hurt you. "Let's stop wasting each other's time. Get to the point why you wanted to talk here."

Shawn hitched a breath. His heart was pounding in his chest, he had second thoughts. He loved you. He always had, but he's thought about this while he was on tour. He's tired of the endless fights, the countless breakups, the trust issues, the distance, the tears, and the heartbreak. And you knew it would be selfish for you to stay with him. "Let's break up." He knew that when he said that, that was it. No more getting back together, this will be the last.

You press your palms against the hood and looked up at the blurry sky with tears that had not yet- and refuse to let them fall. You also knew that this won't be like the other break-ups. This was serious. You instantly regret asking him to finally end it, but you saw it coming. There should be no surprise, but there was also no way of preparing yourself for hearing those three words. The tremendous pain on your chest weighs you down and you knew you had to leave soon- the atmosphere suddenly became heavy, finding it hard to breathe.

"So, this is it," tears started to fall and you don't bother to wipe them away. You panic that he might look back, so you start to blabber, "goodbye, I guess? How do you even say goodbye when you break-up with someone and both of you aren't even mad? I've always just walked out in a mad fury. Do we kiss, hug, handshake, fist bump or do we just walk away?"

Shawn chuckled. Even at moments like this, you still managed to make him lighten up. That was true, how do you say goodbye to somebody that you have loved for five years? The person you experienced so much with? He doesn't look back, you feel a little relief in that. Although, he knew that you were sobbing because he knows you're a damn drama queen, always been.

"How about we do them all?" Shawn suggested after a couple of seconds of silence, holding up his fist.

Wiping your face with the back of your hand first, you giggle as you fist bumped and shook hands–You thought it was a joke, you even said 'thanks for the five years.' Until he embraced you into a hug and you were crying into his chest. That's when it really sunk into you, this was the last hug, after this, there will be no more.

After a few moments, you and Shawn pulled away from the hug and he kissed your forehead. You keep your eyes closed, not wanting to see him walk away from you just yet. "Be good." He whispered and ruffled your hair, it sounded like he was crying too.

As if it was only yesterday that not even time and space could break you two. But now he needs everything but you. And you don't want anything or anyone, but time.. and space for yourself.

He quickly turned around and opened the door to his Jeep. You heard "All We Ever Do" by John Mayer playing. What a perfect coincidence, all you and he ever did was say goodbye.

As he climbed in the driver's seat, he felt just as drained as the dying leaves, feeling a force that's pulling him back to where he belongs. The roots that have kept him sane through all these years. His best friend. For once, he actually ignored that feeling. As if leaving you on read in real life.

As she watched him drive off, she was hoping that maybe when spring comes, she will grow again. Live. She will breathe again. 


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