"Okay?" "Okay." (Kinda Sad)

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Tears flooded my eyesight as I closed the taxi door. This was it. This was his first step to forever. I just didn't think it would happen so fast. It seems like only yesterday we were laying down at the park in the middle of the night, star gazing.

I looked over at him as he sat down beside me, taking my hand.

"I'm scared." He said, drying his tears with his free hand.
I opened my mouth to talk, but nothing came out. I couldn't talk. The pain hit me and reality took over the moment. "This is what you've always wanted, Shawn. This is your dreams. Don't let it go." I whispered.
He looked into my eyes, kissing me and paying the taxi driver.

We got the suitcases from the trunk and went into the airport. His flight was leaving in thirty minutes. Which gave me about ten to say my final goodbyes.

I hugged Shawn, embracing his touch. "You're gonna be huge Shawn, I know you are. But promise me, no matter how big you get, never forget about me."
I looked up, my eyes puffy and bloodshot red from all the crying.
"It's impossible to forget your first love."
I sobbed a bit, as his hand touched the back of my head, bringing me to his chest.

We cried together. I never wanted to let him go. I wanted him to live his dreams, but him living his dreams meant leaving. And I didn't know how long I could be without him. We've been best friends since we were in diapers and he's been my boyfriend since three years ago. Sure, we were a little immature, but three years is a long time. When I was with Shawn, I felt safe. I felt okay. Without him, it's like my world would come crashing down. He was the only one who understood me; the only one who tried. He made my days brighter and my nights merrier. No one was gonna be able to replace him. He was my first love, and God knows when I'll find a guy like him again.

"I love you, Y/N. I want you to know that." He said, his voice cracking in the middle of the sentence.
I nodded, barely able to look him in the eyes. "I don't want you to leave, Shawn. I won't be able to make it."
"Here." He took off his necklace and put it on me. "Every time you feel sad, take this in your hands and remember about all the things we did together."
I looked at the necklace, then looking up at him.
"I'm just a phone call away. Call me whenever you want to talk. I promise I'll be there."

A voice came on the loudspeakers, saying that his flight was leaving in fifteen minutes.

"You have to go."
"I want this as much as you do."

I couldn't take it. I wouldn't be able to make it. We were the only ones crying at the airport. No one knew our story. No one would ever understand how much we meant to each other. He was me. We were one. And now, we were broken.

"I love you." He said, his voice shaking.
"I love you too," I replied, crying harder with each word said.
"Remember that we're infinite."
I nodded, smiling a bit through the pain.
He kissed my lips slowly. "Okay?"
"Okay," I replied, quoting our favorite book.

Shawn cupped my face and kissed me once last time before he left. His tongue slowly brushed against mine and we hugged each other tightly. I felt him start to let go and we both cried, watching him leave. He turned around, blowing a kiss and wiping his tears. I waved goodbye at him, looking into his eyes for the last time. 


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