We Lost Us (Part 2) (Sad)

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I woke up quickly like someone who had a bad nightmare, except instead of being able to move, I was completely frozen. I had no way to move, it felt like my body was stuck to a bed.

"Ms. L/N, please stay still, we're trying to help you. You were in a bad car wreck." A nurse had leaned over to be in the view of my eyes, I felt my heart rate pick up as I remembered the last thing that happened.

I had heard the squealing of the tire but when I looked up I knew I was on the right side of the road, but I was still hit. I remember my head hitting the steering wheel. Oh, fuck! My mom, my mom is waiting for me. No no. She's all I have left, I hardly had friends and now I'm going fucking die all alone.

"Someone gives her 1 CC of alprazolam, she needs to calm down. Her heart rate is too high." I heard another nurse yell, soon a face was hovering back over mine. She had a flashlight as she checked my eyes, her face contorted some.

"Left eye is slow to reaction, someone page neurology now and tell the lab we're coming!" The same nurse yelled, I tried to read her name tag but it was too blurry. I wanted to use my words but I felt like my head was too weak to make words. "She has a severely dislocated hip and ankle is too swollen. The hip can be relocated but the foot's pulse is thready, we need x-rays now to see how bad it is before she loses it." A different nurse says as I'm being pushed forcefully through the halls.

I started to feel droopy again, this time the pain was slowly fading, it must've been whatever the hell they used earlier. "You've gotta fight for me Y/N, I called your mom and you've got to fight for her too." The same nurse leaned down next to my ear, and for the first time, I felt the need to survive.


I groaned as I tried to sit up but a hand pushed me down gently, I opened my eyes slowly to see my mom standing there with tears in her eyes. I wanted to talk but I felt like my mouth was full of cotton. I tapped my lips to indicate I needed water, she understood before pouring some from the pitcher on the portable table.

I sipped it slowly, my throat aching horribly. "Mommy," I cried for the first time and she held me tightly, well not too tight. "Baby, I was scared to death. I was sitting in the chair when the nurse came running back, Dianne, our favorite. She made me finish my dialysis before I could even come to check on my baby girl." She cried into my shoulder and I couldn't wrap my arms around her any tighter, my body felt like jelly.

"I'm sorry mom." I rested my head on her shoulder, feeling wires pressing between us two. "Hey it's not your fault, the police stopped by and said the other driver was under the influence of alcohol, it wasn't your fault at all. No one died or anything."

"You had pressure on your brain but they were able to use medicines to help. The wires are to monitor it, then you shattered your right ankle from trying to slam on the brake. They performed emergency surgery to fix the smaller pieces but there's a splint on to heal the bigger bones." She explained everything that had happened and I nodded.

"How long ago was the wreck?" The way she spoke about it made it seem like it was a while back. "Well, it's been a few days now, the best part is that the media has no clue. You don't have to worry about all the questions, no Shawn either." She knew all about him, I tell her every single thing that happens in my life.

"Good, I don't want him acting all buddy-buddy after we haven't spoken," I say as I settle back into the uncomfortable bed. I started to feel tired again and my mom could tell, so she stood up from the bed.

"Is it okay if I go get some clothes from home while you sleep?" She asks and I nod. "Go ahead, I'll be fine." I smile gently.


I felt the tug at my arm, expecting it to be my mom back from her house. I opened my eyes slowly to be faced with Shawn, my heart rate picking up quickly. I saw the tears in his eyes, the other hand that wasn't on me was shaking with nerves.

"What are you doing here?" My voice snapped into Shawn's own world. "Well, your mom was called into work and they had no one else, so she asked me to make sure you had a familiar face to wake up to." He nervously explained. Did it have to be him? Mom is back to playing matchmaker again.

"Okay." I moved my arm out of his grip.

"What happened to us? You've never acted this way to me."

"Shawn, there was no point in us being friends anymore. You only hung out with me when Abigail was working, but when I needed you she did too. You chose your girlfriend, which is fine, but that used to be me. You told me the day that you two officially started dating that you wouldn't get rid of me. Too late."

"I never got rid of you! Yeah I didn't have time for us but you're still my best friend, you were the one who left. Who unfollowed me on Instagram and removed me from Snapchat. Blocked my number from your phone! You got rid of me because you didn't confront this."

I shook my head at his testimony, it made me want to laugh. Couldn't he tell there was a reason I had to leave? I was the one being ignored so I might as well fucking leave it behind if nothing comes out of it.

"You gave me no reason to stay? There was no point in our friendship if you ignore me anyways. Blocking you didn't change anything from the past 5 months."

"You're willing to give up 8 years of friendship because of it?"

"I didn't want to lose you but there was no other option. I'd keep you in my life forever but there are restraints, no reason to press it further."

My head started hurting, I felt like the back of my neck was on fire. My stomach started to hurt and I felt like I could vomit.

"You look as white as a ghost, fuck."

"I don't feel so good." I reached over to grab the vomit bag, puking inside of it.

Shawn was rapidly pushing the nurse button, when they answered he explained what happened.

They came in as quickly as they could, checking my eyes and fever. They pulled the huge stand where the monitors on my head were connected to. "She has an elevated blood pressure so it's affecting the ICP. Someone give her 3 CC's of acetazolamide." One nurse yelled and I sunk back into my bed.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." I heard Shawn's voice and I nodded, I started to feel a little loopy as their medicine entered my bloodstream, if I had to guess, they're trying to make me sleep through it.

"Y/n you're going to sleep for a bit, your pressure is back up and we need to let your brain rest."

"Oh, oka-"


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