Silent Treatment (Smut)

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This imagine is for Brittney387464 


Shawn had pissed you off. Big time. The night before, you and Shawn had been at a friend's part. You'd gone to refill your cup and when you got back all four of his friends were giggling and smirking at you. You'd enquired at what they were talking about but all you got back were smart-ass remarks that you didn't quite understand... until Brian spoke up. "Hey is that a drink for me, Brittney? Shawn did say you like to please." Your cheeks began to burn as you glared at Shawn who simply winked at you whilst laughing along with the other boys. 

You weren't a controlling girlfriend, you let Shawn do whatever he wanted, but the one thing you'd always asked of him was to keep your sex life private. And now here he was, blatantly discussing it with his friends who you saw all the time and knew would never cease to tease you after this.

You'd muttered something about having to leave, placing your full cup on the table next to Shawn and grabbing your coat before heading to the door. "Hey babe," you heard and turned back to see Shawn still sitting there and holding the cup you'd put down moments before, "thanks for the drink." The boys erupted in laughter and you growled in annoyance as you slammed the door behind you and stepped out into the cool night air.

You only lived a few houses away so you were home within minutes but it wasn't until 4 hours later, at 3 am, that you heard Shawn stumble in and, when he didn't join you in bed, you figured he'd crashed on the sofa, annoying you even more. The boyish behavior he'd shown didn't suit him and the fact that he didn't even realize he'd done anything wrong pissed you off beyond words - and there it was. You'd give him the silent treatment. You'd be getting back at him and avoiding having to argue, perfect.


So now here you were, the morning after; you had joined Shawn in the kitchen, completely ignoring his "Good morning" and just proceeding to make your coffee and toast. He was pottering around you making his own breakfast and, just as you were finishing up, he remarked, "Goodnight last night wasn't it? I haven't laughed so much in a long time." Without even acknowledging that he'd spoken, you took your plate and mug from the side and left the room, going to sit in the study to read your book as you ate.

About an hour later, while you were still engrossed in your book, Shawn popped his head around the corner to peer in at you. "I'm off now, got a day of writing with Camilla so I'll be back...", without verbally responding, you simply put up a hand to stop him, never taking your eyes off of your book, "...tonight." he finished, seemingly having mistaken your hand gesture as a goodbye, he approached you to place a kiss on top of your head before heading for the front door. You screwed up your face at the spot he'd just been in before banging the door closed as he left and you swore in irritation, "that fucking boy."


When Shawn got home that evening, you were laying on your bed scrolling through social media on your phone. You listened to the familiar sounds of him clicking the front door shut, dropping his keys on the table and running up the stairs. He came into the room quietly, you momentarily glanced up at him and he flashed you a quick smile before sitting down at his desk across the room and taking out his writing pad. You watched as he rested his elbow on the table, chin in his palm as he read through his scribbles, he trailed a finger along with the pages under the words he was reading and muttered them under his breath.

"Hey, Brittney," he said turning to you and you quickly averted your gaze back to your phone, "come and see what you think of these lyrics." It took a lot to ignore this direct request but you did it, continuing to drag your thumb across the screen of your phone to move through the twitter feed that you weren't actually reading. "Brittney?" he repeated, but again, you just ignored him. "Okay what the fuck, Brittney," Shawn said bluntly, "you haven't said a word to me all day." Hesitating slightly, you just looked up and him and gave him a nonchalant look before looking back down at your phone. "What the fuck is this? The silent treatment?" he asked jokingly, but when you didn't reply his tone changed, "it is isn't it? You're giving me the fucking silent treatment?" The silence in the room answered his question and you looked up to see him hunched over his work again. And then he laughed.

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