Clingy (Warning: Super Cute Will Make You Feel Lonely AF)

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You sit on the little couch near the rack of guitars in the studio.

Shawn is writing today, and since he brought you along to LA it just made sense if you joined in the studio too.

You were reading a book, having just moved over to the couch so he can actually get some work done now that Teddy is here. Before Teddy arrived you were planted firmly in his lap, watching him show you what everything was the soundboard, and how to create a beat together.

He kept stealing glances at you, a little smile on his lips as he watched you chew on your bottom lip and twirl a strand of hair around your finger. You were his definition of perfection, and he couldn't stop staring.

He was in the middle of a riff when you stood up, his head whipped up at the sight of your movement, eyes holding the question he wanted to ask as you set the blanket you had down and looked to the door.

"Honey?" He spoke softly, suddenly bringing you the center of everyone's attention.

"Oh, what?" You looked, unaware he noticed you moving.

He smiled at you, "What are you doing?"

"I have to use the restroom," You awkwardly look at everyone around you. They all shrug and look back at the instrument they are holding. You meet Shawn's gaze again, fingers twiddling.

"Down the hall to the-" He squints, looking up a bit as he thinks about it. "Left, to the left." He nods, confidently.

You mouth 'Thank you' and quickly make your way down the hall, turning to the left and being met with a kitchen, the bathroom was definitely to the right. You giggle at your boy.

"Don't think I've ever seen you so happy," Teddy pipes up, now that you're gone for a second and she can talk to Shawn about you.

"She makes me so happy," He grins, looking to his best friend.

"I can tell." She giggles.

"She's like my personal ray of sunshine and I can't get enough." He picks at a few chords, lyrics spinning in his head about you.

"You wanna write about her don't you," Teddy chuckles, sitting down at the piano.

"I do, but like nothing seems enough," He sighs.

"Start listing things, you know the drill, let's see what we can create."

He giggles, readjusting his sitting position and jumping right in. "She's always so positive, and she smiles at just about anything. That smile alone can make my whole day. And her laugh? Like fucking music to my ears. I don't ever want to listen to anyone else's laugh."

You start to make your way back to the room, stopping when you hear Shawn say something. You lean closer to hear better.

"And she's clingy," He sighs. "Always so clingy,"

You gasp, pulling back a little.

"Like she's always all over me, to the point where I can't breathe sometimes,"

You look away, walking down the hall missing what he says next.

"And I fucking love it, because it shows me she's just as obsessed with me as I am with her, and I always used to be so afraid of being too clingy with past relationships, but she understands, she gets it."

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