Love of My Life (Part 1)

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I am soo sorry for not posting in forever!!  


You really didn't think it through, how hard it's going to be on tour with a six months old baby. Changing diapers on the floor of an arena hallway, feeding her in the back of a tour bus and putting her to sleep in hotel lobbies have become regular and being a first-time mom you sometimes doubt if you should be doing all of these. But at the end of the day, she is still fine, smiling back at you with that smile that she got from her daddy, and the way she watches Shawn perform every night is just making your heart burst out of your chest. Her tiny fingers pointing at his jumping figure and screaming "dada" and the way she claps when he sings is just the best thing in the world making all the effort and energy worth it. You wouldn't want it any other way and you knew it when you and Shawn married that there would be nothing normal in your life.

Today Skylar is feeling extremely fussy for some reason. She didn't sleep well, you spent half the night on feet with her, walking down the hallways of the hotel hoping to tire her out and go back to sleep, but she had other plans. She's been clinging onto Shawn all afternoon, holding onto his jacket for dear life with her tiny hands. Usually, she is one happy, carefree baby, not bothered about who is holding her and she is pretty used to being in the arms of a different person every ten minutes. Everyone loves her, it's melting your heart how the toughest looking, big bearded stage builder can turn into a soft marshmallow when she starts giggling in their arms. But not today.

"Babe, I have to go, the question round is starting," Shawn sighs as he holds her to you, her tiny hands already reaching for him to take her back. "Be a good girl and stay with mommy, okay?" he tells Skylar, kissing the top of her head, and you can already see her lips pouting. It's just a matter of time till she starts screaming again. "I love you," he smiles at you kissing you shortly before running out to his fans.

Just as you thought it doesn't take too long till Skylar loses it. Hearing her crying is just the worst thing, it's breaking your heart to know that something is making her upset even the slightest.

"I know, I know," you mumble to her, rocking her back and forth while walking down the hallway.

Laughter and clapping can be heard from the room where the Q&A is held and you know that if you can hear them, they can surely hear Skylar's crying as well. People give you a sympathetic look as they walk past you, babbling some sweet words to her, but she refuses to stop.

"Sweetie, daddy is working, do you not love me anymore?" you ask her as if she could answer you, but you guess the unstoppable crying is some sort of answer as well.

You feel like you are failing miserably, her screams are pounding in your head and you are just about to go outside so the city can swallow her voice, at last, not bothering the work of others, but then you spot Shawn in the hallway, running towards you. There's no way he is done with the questions, it's been about ten minutes since he started.

"What are you doing here?" you ask him with wide eyes, still rocking her in your arms.

"Give her to me," he holds his hands out and even though you don't understand what his plan is, you are desperate to make her stop.

The moment she nuzzles her face in his shirt she stops crying as if he put a magic spell on her. Eyes puffy and red, fingers wet from her always poking around in her mouth, but at least she is quiet.

"Bring her a bottle, I'll feed her while answering the questions," Shawn tells you as he heads back to the room where the fans are waiting.

"I got one on me," you tell him pulling out a small bottle of milk out of your hoodie's pocket. You've been having the weirdest stuff on you lately, constantly finding diapers and wet wipes in your pockets when you are washing your clothes.

The moment he returns and the fans see him with Skylar in his arms they start melting at the sight of them and you can't blame them. It's like Shawn was meant to be a dad, handling her so easily and carefully as he sits back to his spot in front of them, Skylar lying in his arms, eyes fixed on her daddy's face while her tiny hands grip onto his jacket.

"Little Princess has been acting up today so she is joining us if that's alright," Shawn tells them as he reaches for the bottle. You hand it to him and a moment later she is peacefully sucking on it, not giving a damn about all the people around her, watching her in awe.

Your head is thankful for him, you have no idea how long you would have been able to put up with her screams and it's making you jealous a bit as Shawn was the only person to get her calm down. But your heart is so full as you watch him hold her with one hand, bottle in the other while he is talking about music, upcoming plans and memories with his fans while you sit next to him, making sure you are ready to take her any moment he needs to free his hands.

"What is Shawn like as a dad?" you hear the question from somewhere at the back of the room and you look up surprised that someone asked you. He glances at you with a warm smile, waiting for your answer.

"Um, he is literally the best, as you can see."

A nervous chuckle leaves your lips and they join you while Shawn is still holding Skylar.

"From when he held my hair when I was throwing up every morning in my first trimester to waking up any moment during the night and letting me sleep for just a little more now, he is literally the best."

Your hormones are still acting up and you can feel yourself getting emotional as you talk about him, but you haven't been able to wrap your mind around how amazing he really is. Skylar came a little earlier than you planned, you wanted to wait until the end of this tour before starting to try for a baby, but she obviously was in a rush to join the two of you, coming only a year after you tied the knot with Shawn. You felt nervous telling him, thinking he might be mad at you for ruining all the plans you had, but that was not the case. He was bursting from happiness when you told him, breaking down in tears as he pressed his face to your stomach right there, at the middle of the kitchen and he has been the most amazing dad since that moment, being there for you through everything, canceling interviews when you were feeling so much back pain you couldn't even get out of the bed and bringing you the weirdest stuff from the grocery store in the middle of the night when you wanted to eat pickles with peanut butter. He really is the dad you always pictured for your children.

"She is obsessed with him, and honestly, same," you add making everyone laugh in the room as you look at them. The way her eyes shine when she is looking at Shawn, it's making you want to curl up and cry happy tears. She is such a daddy's little girl and you have nothing against that.

The question round soon wraps up and once Skylar is done with eating she finally falls asleep in Shawn's arms. You stay with her in the dressing room, occasionally sneaking out to watch Shawn perform your favorite songs while someone else is looking out for her. You're not surprised that she sleeps through the whole show and doesn't wake up even when you leave the venue, sleeping peacefully in the car on the ride back to the hotel. She's wasted a lot of energy on crying today.

Once she is lying in her crib at the hotel room, arms above her head, legs spread in a way you doubt it would be comfortable, Shawn and you just stand there, mesmerized by her as you watch her tiny chest rise and fall peacefully, pacifier moving in her mouth.

"She is so beautiful," he whispers putting an arm around your shoulders as he pulls you to his side.

Before having a kid you thought it's creepy to watch a baby sleep, but now you fully understand. You just can't get enough of her, wanting to savor every moment knowing how fast she is growing and soon she won't be a baby anymore.

"I can't believe we made her," you mumble as you nuzzle your face into his chest.

"Well, you had a little more work in that," he chuckles making you smile.

"True, but you helped in it a lot," you say giving him all the credit he deserves.

"Anything for the loves of my life," he whispered kissing into your hair, wrapping both of his arms around you.


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Shawn Mendes ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora