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You've always been a competitive person, and sometimes that means competing against yourself, pushing yourself as far as you can possibly go. You're at the gym with Shawn, working out. You're the only two here, so you have the entire place to yourself. Shawn is on the other end, lifting weights, but you've decided just to run while he does his thing. Every time you want to stop, you manage to push yourself to keep going for a little while longer.

When Shawn finishes his workout, he comes over to you. You're drenched in sweat and completely exhausted, but still running. "Have you been on the treadmill this whole time?" He questions.

You nod, but barely pay attention to him because it takes all your focus and energy to keep your legs moving to keep up with the treadmill.

"I'm ready to go when you are." He says, standing beside the treadmill.

You decide to run for another couple of minutes, wanting to reach the next mile mark. Shawn waits silently for a few seconds before he speaks, "Are you feeling okay? You look really pale." He comments over the steady buzz of your pounding footsteps and the machine moving. You just nod. He waits a few more seconds before he says, "Babe, I think you should stop now."

But you shake your head, still determined to hit the next mile mark. "Y/n," He says more sternly. "I'm worried about you." And at first, you feel irritated that he's interfering with your workout. He doesn't normally. You both do your own thing when you go to the gym, not really interfering with the other's workout. But this time, he won't stop, so you move to slow down the pace, to a walking speed. As soon as you stop running, you start to feel bad, really bad. Shawn is standing very close to the treadmill now.

Before you can really even process anything going on, you lose consciousness. When your eyes open, Shawn is hovering above you, and you feel his arms around you. You're on the floor next to the treadmill that is still on, at a walking pace. Shawn must have caught you.

As soon as he sees that you've woken up, he's searching your eyes. "Breathe," He says as he gently lays you down flat on the ground. "Does anything hurt?"

"No," You whisper, still trying to gather your bearings, and figure out what exactly just happened.

"I'm going to grab your water. Don't move." He says before rushing off. He's back in only a few seconds. "Think you can sit up?" He questions, and you nod. He helps you sit up and scoots behind you and sits so that your back is resting against his chest. You slump against him, feeling exhausted, and he holds your water up for you to drink.

After you take a few sips, you're still breathing hard. "How are you feeling?" He questions.

"Better, I think I just pushed too hard." You say, hiding how you really feel because you know Shawn is already worried.

He nods, as silence settles between you two. He's still supporting you since you're leaned back against him. You can feel his chest rising and falling rapidly, and you know it isn't from his workout since he's been finished for a while. "Should we go to the doctor?" He questions.

"No," You say firmly. "My blood pressure just dropped too fast, and I don't think I had enough water today. I don't need a doctor."

He doesn't answer right away, probably trying to decide whether or not he should believe you. "If you feel worse, tell me, okay?" He instructs seriously.

"I'm fine, Shawn. I feel way better now." You say, starting to stand, but he immediately reaches out, wrapping an arm around your torso, which keeps you from standing since you don't have the energy or strength to be able to fight him right now.

"Just rest for a little, please baby. For me?" He says, still paranoid. Because of how serious and concerned he sounds, you oblige, resting against him for a few more seconds, before you get up. He rushes to get up as well, almost like he's paranoid he'll have to catch you again.

When you're standing, he wraps his hand around your hip protectively and leads you outside to his jeep. He opens the passenger door for you and makes sure you get in safely before closing the door and going around to the driver's side. As he's backing out of the stall, he asks, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine Shawn. I'm back to normal."

"Okay, in that case, baby, please don't ever scare me like that again." 


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