Break (Sad) (Happy Ending)

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"I don't need to see that," I say, pushing away my friend's phone as she attempts to show me the latest photos of Shawn and his new(ish) girlfriend. I was heartbroken when we broke up and I thought he was too. 2 weeks later though with a new girlfriend, my heart was still in pieces but I guess his wasn't. Deep down I know I still have feelings for him despite my constant denial and fragmented heart. It's been about 3 months now since he broke my heart and I've managed not to read a single article about him or look at his social media, in an attempt to cleanse myself and move on. I must admit, though, when Mercy comes on the radio, I can't bring myself to turn the channel over so instead I just belt it out at the top of my lungs with the pieces of my heart rattling around in my chest. "But Y/N, all of his fans are literally having a dig at his new girl and are saying they liked you better!" My friend explains. As much as I appreciate that they like me and all, I know Shawn's heart will hurt for whoever it is that he's dating. I ignore my friend, hoping she'll drop the conversation because I won't be able to handle the memories that intrusively flood into my brain.

We've been waiting at the front of the line to get into the VIP section for Ed Sheeran's concert. I and Shawn had planned to go together when we bought the tickets earlier this year but I had to take my friend instead after the breakup. I hear people start to scream over the other side of the stadium gates but there's too much of a crowd to make out the commotion. "They probably thought they saw someone famous." My friend states as we both laugh at the naive teenage girls running away from the stadium in a mob.

The atmosphere of an arena can never be replicated. The feeling of emptiness about to become something so wild and loud and thrilling in a matter of minutes. We begin to get pressed up to the gate as the crowd comes in behind us. I'm staring at the front of the stage, only meters away, as memories of being on stage with Shawn begin to rush into my head like a wave. A feeling of sadness and emptiness overcomes me as I remember the way he'd look at me in the wings or how he'd dedicate his favorite song to me. Snap out of it. I know my mind is being completely irrational. Shawn has a girlfriend and he moved on from me quickly so obviously there's no spark left there. The candle has burnt out. A bunch of security guards comes out from a side tunnel next to the stage. The lights dim in the arena as an uproar of screams fills my ears. "Y/N! WE SHOULD GO OVER TO THAT SIDE NEAR THE DOOR SO WE CAN SEE BEHIND THE STAGE!" My extremely loud and excited friend yells into my ear. I don't even try to protest as raising my voice to that volume is almost impossible for me. We push through the crowd, one hand on the railing, not wanting to lose prime position. I stop behind my friend as she gazes at the stage. I look over at the security guards all standing around and talking despite the noise surrounding them. My heart immediately drops into my stomach.

He's standing there, right in front of me, after three months of no contact. He's just there. My mind is completely frazzled as I stand there helpless and completely unsure of what to do. I can't pretend that I never saw him but it's not like I can simply walk up to him and act like nothing ever happened. I can't take my eyes off of him. I have to talk to him. I push through the crowd once more to get to the edge of the fencing where all of the security guards are stood. I know the security guards aren't going to let me walk straight up to him so it's going to take some effort. I tap a buff security guard on the shoulder, making him slowly turn around to face me, his arms crossed over his chest. "Hi... um... I'm not a fan or anything, I promise. I know Shawn personally and I really want to talk to him." I try to reason with the security guard, knowing that I sound completely unoriginal and rehearsed. "Yeah, sorry ma'am but he's just here to enjoy the concert. No fans tonight." The security guard says without changing his facial expression even slightly. "I know, and I understand that but-" I continue. "No. Really. No fa-" Everyone is being interrupted tonight. "What's the problem?" I hear Shawn ask from behind his barrier of security. I see his perfectly arranged hair and glowing skin and beautiful brown eyes - stop it - pop up from around the corner. His eyes widen as soon as he sees me. He makes my heart flutter and fills my stomach with butterflies. "Y/N..." He says, his voice trailing off. He reaches out a hand to me, guiding me through the fence and onto the other side of the barrier. "It's fine. I know her." He says to his security team. He leads me back through the tunnel that leads to backstage, a much quieter place than only 100 meters before. "Shawn," I say, unsure of what words will follow but willing to take the risk. He turns around, still gripping my hand. He looks at me straight in the eyes, a look of sorrow filling them. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I should have never ended things between us, especially because of the reason. Of course, it would've worked with me traveling and you at school! How could I have been that ignorant?" Shawn says, clearly exasperated and frustrated by the situation. "Shawn, don't. I know you're with someone else and I won't play that game." I say, unable to look at his beautiful eyes that show hurt. "Y/N, she was just a publicity stunt, it's over. I never even kissed her, or called her baby, or dedicated a song to her," I look up at him, my heart trying to piece itself back together, "I know I broke you and I don't even deserve this time with you now but please. Baby, please can we try again? I want to make this work." He wipes the warm tear that's making its way over my cheekbone. I can't bring myself to speak as the pain in my chest is emaciating. I place my head on his heaving chest as I wrap my arms around his strong back. I've missed his smell and his touch and the safety I feel when I'm with him. "Yes," I whisper through my tears. He places a hand gently under my chin and lifts it up so our eyes meet. I can see the water in his eyes making them glisten as a sweet, soft smile spreads across his lips. "I missed your beautiful voice, Y/N. I missed everything about you. I still look into the wings expecting to see you and it breaks my heart every time. I still love you." He says, the words just spilling out of his mouth as if they've been stored there for ages. "I never stopped loving you," I say to Shawn as I place a soft kiss on his pink lips. He holds me tighter than ever before as we just breathe in our combined scents, sending happiness through my body.

This is how it's meant to be. We're meant to be.


I will post the next imagines when this one gets 20 likes!

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