Rocking The Boat (Smut) (ShawnxReaderxConnor)

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Shawn looked ungodly good as the wind whipped through his hair.

I'm not sure whose idea it was to rent a boat in Vancouver, but I was surrounded by shirtless men and I couldn't be more pleased with myself.

Shawn was attempting to take a cute selfie but was failing as his hair kept falling into his eyes and his pout wasn't translating well to the camera apparently.

He looked delicious from where I was standing, only wearing his black dress pants with bare feet. It reminded me of being home and him padding over to pour a glass wine after he got home. If he didn't have the background of the water behind him, he'd look extra domestic.

I don't understand why he hadn't changed into the swim trunks I had brought him, but on the other hand, I didn't mind seeing him like this.

He catches me staring and smiles goofily at me. He does his signature toddler wave before stuffing his phone in his pocket and bounding over to me like a puppy.

"Hi, Y/N," he says with a large smile. His perfect teeth glint in the sunlight and his lips look extra kissable up close.

"Hi, Shawn," I giggle as he cups my face with his large hand.

"You're pretty," he says pressing a kiss to the area between my eyes.

"You're prettier," I reply with a smile. "You look good in only dress pants."

He laughs. "I knew you liked this look. Maybe I should wear it more often, eh?"

I nod and trail my fingers down his bare chest. "Wear it outside the house again and I might have to take you somewhere so I could have my way with you."

Shawn raises an eyebrow. "Do you wanna go below deck?"

"Yeah," I whisper and push my hips against his. The double entendre isn't lost on me.

"Mmm, be careful what you wish for, darling. I have a surprise for you."

I match his eyebrow raise and think of the last two times he had a surprise for me. "Is it what I think it is?"

"Mmm maybe?" He chuckles, completely transparent.

We hadn't talked about having another threesome with Connor, but I knew that there was the possibility it would happen again.

I certainly wasn't opposed to it.

He places a hand on the small of my back and leads me down the set of stairs that led to the small cabins. Resting against one of the doors was none other than Connor.

He catches our motion out of the corner of his eye and gives us a small wave.

Shawn does that handshake/hug thing that boys love and ruffles Connor's hair.

"We good?" Connor asks quietly as he glances in my direction.

I smile at him and wink. His face flushes in the cutest way and Shawn nods.

"Yep." Shawn opens the door and leads us both inside before closing the door behind us. The two men stand tall in front of me, making me feel smaller than usual.

"We were thinking about trying something different. You up for that?" Connor asks with a quirk of his eyebrow. His normally flustered behavior is out the window as he stares at me.

"I think so," I say nervously. My fingers nervously twitch in front of me as their eyes bore into me.

"How do you feel about double penetration?" Shawn asks, his cocky smirk making me clench my thighs tightly. "You know what that is, don't you?"

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