Sugar Daddy (Smut)

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He was in the living room, nursing a beer while sitting in his favorite chair. His white shirt was rolled up past his elbows, tucked comfortably into his jeans. The TV was playing some old movie that he was half enraptured in, his mind also wandering through everything that had gone on in the past week and everything he had coming up. He was obviously distracted, and not as relaxed as he should be for a weekend afternoon.

You got up from the couch, kissing him on his temple as you passed. This seemed to break him from his thoughts for at least a moment, as he glanced up at you with a grin. His eyes went back to the TV as you sauntered into your bedroom. You wanted to help ease his mind and knew just the thing.

When you emerged from the bedroom a few minutes later, the credits for the movie were rolling on the screen and you could see Shawn down the rest of his beer.

You approached him from behind, a hand on his shoulder and the other going for the empty bottle in his hand.

"Another one, babe?" you asked nonchalantly.

"Please honey, thank.... you," he stuttered as his eyes finally broke from the television set. You were no longer in your t-shirt and jeans from just a few minutes ago. No, you were now in one of his own button-up shirts and a pair of shorts that you knew he loved on you.

Underneath, you had on your favorite set of lingerie. You'd applied a little makeup, including the red lipstick that drove him wild, and your hair was up in a neat ponytail.

You took the empty bottle from his hand, going to the kitchen to get him another. You could feel his eyes on you as you walked away and smiled to yourself.

His eyes were still following your every move as you returned with his drink. There was a music program on the TV now, pumping out soft jazz tunes. Perfect. You reached over and turned the volume up just a bit, before turning back to his rapt attention.

You began swaying your hips to the music, arms in the air as you closed your eyes and let the music flow in the air around you. You opened your eyes a minute later, instantly landing on him. His elbow was resting on the arm of the chair, hand propping his chin up as he smiled at you, his eyes alight with adoration.

You grinned back at him, still swaying with the music as your hands went to the buttons of the shirt you were wearing. You deftly undid them, one by one, his eyes following your every move. You didn't take it off right away, opting to let him get just a peek of your lacy emerald green bra. You could see his eyes darken just a little, a smile still on his face.

You swirled with the music, arms stretched out to your sides as you snapped your fingers to the beat. You felt yourself go into a trance as the music swelled, his shirt falling off your shoulders and bunching at your elbows.

You let it fall from your arms, catching it in one hand so you could toss it in his direction. It landed on his face, causing you both to grin and giggle for a moment as he tossed it to the side and took a swig of his beer.

He was enthralled with you. His beautiful, gorgeous little plaything. He would do anything for you - all you had to do was ask.

As the first song ended, he set his beer down and lit himself a cigarette, grinning around it and giving you a round of applause. You curtsied to him, your smile threatening to split your face in two.

The next song began and you recognized it as a slower one - one you two had danced together to in the kitchen before. Your heart began to flutter at the memory.

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