Be Mine? (Cute)

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Shawn's POV:

He saw you in the halls at school. You were at your locker, grabbing your stuff for your literature class. You had your hair up in a ponytail and were wearing a red, white and black striped sweater with a pair of overalls on top.

Cautiously, he approached you. He had no idea how you would respond to him and the anxiety of it was enough to shake him to the core.


You continued grabbing and putting stuff away like you hadn't even heard him.


You slammed your locker shut, grabbed your bag and left without saying a word or even sparing him a glance. He watched your figure as you got further and further from him, coming to a terrible realization.

You were giving him the silent treatment.



Shawn's POV:

"You have reached the voicemail of..." Groaning, he ended the call and slammed the phone down on his bed next to him. This was his 10th time calling you today and every time you sent him to voicemail.

Refusing to give up, he opened up messages and shot you a text.

'Love, I know you're still mad at me, but it's almost Friday. Are we still gonna be together this weekend?'

'Please answer me..'

'I'm sorry.'

'I miss you.'



Shawn's POV:

Shawn lied in bed all day, staring at a picture of the two of you on his phone. It was a picture of the two of you on his 18th birthday a few months ago. You had smeared frosting onto his cheek and were licking it off of him. It was by far the funniest picture the two of you had together, but right now it was just making him sad since he didn't know if he would have that with you again. Tears welled up in his eyes the longer he stared and before long he found himself full-on sobbing.

His mother came into his room, sensing that something was very wrong. She knew that you didn't come over last weekend and that he was still at home this weekend.

Upon entering she found her beloved baby boy, face down in a pile of pillows, clutching them desperately as the sobs overtook his body.

Without a second thought, she came and brought him to her chest, rocking him slightly, while his hands cling to the fabric of her dress. Hot tears stained the front of her dress, but she couldn't've even cared less at that moment. Her son was hurting and needed her.

"I... I screwed up so... so bad, mom." He mumbled between sobs. He wanted to stop crying, he wanted to pull himself together but he just couldn't. His best friend in the whole world wouldn't speak to him and it was beginning to feel like he was dying without you.



Shawn's POV:

He tried calling you 20 times. He never got a response.

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