Late Night Basketball (Just a little bit Smut)

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"I don't wanna" you groan out in an annoyed tone as Shawn held open the car door for you. You were parked in front of his regular gym, it was 11:00 pm and your boyfriend had dragged your unwilling ass to the gym to kill some time playing basketball.

He had come back from tour a week ago, his sleeping pattern was all messed up from the constant traveling. He slept all day and now he was full of energy practically bouncing off the walls like a little kid on a sugar high and he needed some sort of way to get rid of all this energy.

"But babe, I get bored by myself and it's a little late to call any of the guys," he says in a pleading tone.

"Can't you figure out something else to do to tire yourself out? Who comes to the gym at this hour..." you say in an annoyed tone.

You notice a boyish smirk forming on his lips as he placed a hand on the hood of the car leaning closer to you, his tall frame towering over you.

"I can think of another way to get all this energy out. But I think I tired you out last night doll"

You can feel the heat on your cheeks rising as you push against his chest.

"Shut up" you mutter out in an embarrassed tone, feeling a small tingle between your legs when you think back to the events of last night.

"I mean, if you think you're up for another round than by all means let me take you home right now" he whispers out as if there was anyone around to hear the two of you. You were the only car parked in the parking lot other than a black Volvo parked at the far end of the lot.

You notice his eyes travel to the small group of hickies scattered across your neck and upper chest as he bites his lips. Before he gets any other ideas you push against his chest making him stumble backward as you get out of the car slamming the door shut, a little annoyed with the way he was playing with you.

He fucking knew you couldn't handle another round of what happened last night. Your entire body was still sore from it and he was walking around like you guys didn't fuck each other over and over again the night before. You were surprised at how he was still full of so much energy.

"Fine. But I'm going to be complaining the entire time" you say with a pointed finger.

He nods his head happily, grabbing the hand that was pointing at him as he intertwined our fingers together walking towards the gym, making sure to lock the car behind you guys.

The sneakers on your feet squeaked against the marble floor of the gym's entrance as you dragged your feet following Shawn through the gym doors. He scans his membership card giving the guy at the front a quick hello.

You thought about making a run for the car and just leaving Shawn behind but he had a pretty good grip on your hand, fingers tangled in yours refusing to let you go as he walked towards the basketball court the gym had. Plus you would feel bad abandoning him.

He pulled open the doors to the basketball court and thankfully there was no one in there. Then again, what sane person other than your boyfriend would come to play basketball at literally midnight?

Shawn let go of your hand going to the basketball rack placed against one of the corners of the big court. He easily grabbed one of the balls in his giant hands turning towards you with a smirk.

"Hey babe think fast!" he says tossing the ball towards you.

You being tired and sluggish can barely register what he is doing as you feel the ball hit your bare shoulder making you let out a groan in pain

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