The Fourth Great Shinobi War

Start from the beginning

"Assuming he doesn't murder you himself for joining the war even though he told you not to," Scarlett added, making me sweatdrop.

Remember, Madara needs the biju you host for Project Tsuki no Me, Shikaku continued. You're his targets. Once he has Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails, he plans on forcing you to make your decision in his favor and then stealing the Creator from you, Minxie. You, Naruto, and Bee have to watch out for yourselves.

"We know," I said. "We'll be careful."

You can't reason with him. Madara is not like Nagato, Shikaku stated. He doesn't really seek peace. He's a true villain who just wants to rule the world.

I assumed Shikaku was saying that more for Naruto's sake than the rest of ours. After all, Naruto was the one most accustomed to finding a way into the hearts of his enemies. Shikaku's stress of the subject was meant to make Naruto understand that Madara was not the same. He wasn't one to be easily swayed, and Shikaku wanted Naruto to comprehend that.

"He's going to control everyone using genjutsu," Scarlett said. "That's Project Tsuki no Me, isn't it?"

Yes, Shikaku confirmed. Don't hold back!

"I talked to Madara in the Land of Iron," Naruto said. "He told me about the Uchiha destiny. He understands hatred. He used Nagato, and he's influencing Sasuke's hate. I know he's a bad guy!"

He doesn't simply act upon hatred. He takes advantage of hatred, Shikaku reminded. He's different from any other enemy you've faced.

"I'm stopping Madara, and I'm stopping this war!" Naruto promised. "I'm acting first, and maybe I'll try to talk to him after!"

I don't know about Kabuto, but Madara is apparently immortal, Shikaku said. I resisted the urge to groan. Madara was bad enough with the power he had now. Did he really have to add immortality into the mix? Plants are masquerading as people by using the First Hokage's cells, and the risen dead can only be stopped by being sealed. You're facing an immortal army. Be careful.

"That's actually the best news you can give me, believe it!" Naruto said, his eyes narrowing in determination. "Because that means I don't have to hold back!"

Shikaku signed off our telepathic communication. With my Mind's Eyes activated, I could see a group of shinobi up ahead. From the looks of it, they were heading right for us. "There's a group of shinobi straight ahead!"

Bee apparently recognized their leader, because he called out gleefully, "Eff!"

By his name, I assumed Eff was originally from the Cloud Village, since they all apparently had a weird fetish for giving people names that sounded just like the letters of the alphabet. Bee himself was proof of that. Sadly, that was all I had to go on. Eff wasn't wearing a Cloud headband. Instead, his headband, like the headbands of the rest of his platoon, had the character for 'shinobi' written on it. It was probably a new design for the war, since all the Great Nations were fighting on the same side.

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