Chapter 34 - In Sickness

Start from the beginning

Get brave and tell someone else the truth first. He deserves that, at the very least. Everyone deserves the truth.

And when he returns from dropping her off at the airport? That's just what I'm going to do.

"When you come home to New York? I'll tell you then. I swear it, Meek. I'll tell you everything before I....I promise."

My stubborn, feckin eejit voice forces back the other one. That just wants to howl the truth out right here and now.

Her green eyes narrowed. But she eventually pursed her lips together and nodded her acceptance. Knowing she really has no other choice.

"Well, it's time I get my ass moving. Do what ya old man tells ya, alright? Otherwise, I'll come right back and kick ya butt from here til' Sunday. That's my  promise."

"I love ya, hun. Even though you're as plum ugly as Grampa's toenails nowadays."

She kissed me with a sad excuse of a giggle. Hauled her curvy, denim-clad ass off the sofa and out the door.

"Love you too. Even though you're meaner than a bingo barrel full of possums."

I'm pretty sure her folks, who are clear over in Pflugerville Texas....could've heard her responding raspberry.


When the sound of Norman's car fades, along with the distant sound of the front gates closing....I dizzily find my feet. Stretch tentatively.

Give a tiny wince as the little scars low on my tummy tug a bit, while my ribs let out a small groan of complaint.

Other than that? I'm glad to be up and about. Without either of them hovering around me like anxious helicopters.

Relieved also to have some time to myself.

Sorry. That must sound awfully ungrateful of me, huh? But it's been nearly a week now since my hospital discharge. And I'm well on the road to recovery.

Would've been travelling much further along it. If I hadn't been cosseted in cotton wool and bubble-wrapped for good measure almost 24/7. By the both of them and everyone else.

Love them all for it though, regardless.

I bend over, grab the glass and plate. Shuffle out to the deck then settle down gingerly on the huge daybed.

Eye jumped on the cushions beside me and happily snaffled up bits of bologna. While I eat the remaining cheese and crackers.

Bless Meek for making me some afternoon tea. It's just....I'm not as fond of the mystery meat as she and the fluffball are.

When the last crumb is swallowed I lay back.

Turn my face up to the weakening Autumn sunlight, start getting my head and strength together. Need to concentrate on what I need to....have  to tell him. Finally.




Didn't know if I was actually awake or not. But the word croaked its way out of my parched mouth regardless.

This was followed up with a small groan. When I tried  rolling over to grab the bottle of water I always keep on my bedside table.

Emphasis being on the 'tried'.

Because my brain was sending all the right signals to get some muscles and bones to play ball. Instead, my body replied with a resounding....

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now