Y/N : oh, it's nothing... just thinking about stuff...

I said as I faked a smile.

Rias : you know you shouldn't overthink about stuff,

she said with a worried look.

Y/N : don't worry about me. How long till we get there?

Rias: it's about ten minutes.

Y/N: owh.

She then stares at the empty bottle on my hand.

Rias: errr

Y/N: if you're worried if I get drunk then don't, because I can't.

Rias: how do you know?

Y/N: I drank a whole drum of the beer once, didn't get affected by it.

Rias: O-oh

Y/N: (chuckle) anyway shouldn't you supposed to be with the rest?

Rias: well they start worrying about you because all the way here you have been quite.

Y/N: you guys are overreacted, as I told you I just have something in my mind.

Rias: if you said so.

Then I suddenly feel the train Start to slowing down.

Y/N: well that's convenient, time to put this show on the road.

Rias: good luck Y/N.

Y/N: you too.

The train suddenly shaking the I get thrown out of it. As I fall I see that the others also get thrown out and screaming like crazy.

Y/N: (use your wings idiot!!)

We got closer to the ground.

Y/N: (awh fuck it!) Levitate.

As soon as I said the spell they stop falling right before they touched the ground.

Kiba: huh?

Issei: what the..?

Y/N: the training wasn't even started yet and I can see you guys already struggling

Xenovia: Y-Y/N?

Y/N: yeah it's me. Hey Tanin, your turn!

All: wait what!?!!!

Issei: turn for what??


The large black dragon landed in front of them.

Issei: oh sh-

Tannin: roaaaarrr

I take my place one the cliff then Rias and Azazel join me.

I could see Akeno taking the lead as they tried their best to not get killed. But as Kiba and Xenovia launched an attack, Tannin just used his horn and deflected both of their holy swords with ease. Looks like they're buying time for Issei to prepare his sacred gear. But with Koneko injured and Asia occupied trying to heal her, they don't stand a chance. That is until Gasper came in. With his power, even a dragon can be subdued. But unsurprisingly, he lost focus. He is still not experienced with controlling his power. Now, Issei can finally join the fight. But still, it won't be enough.

ordered Issei to attack. But even with their powers used all together, it is still not enough to faze a dragon. That's just how powerful they are...

Y/N: (sigh) stop the match

As tannin prepare for the final attack to finish them off

Azazel : STOP! That will be enough!

Tannin then stand down

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