(Bonus chapters-Answer / Question) - Part 5

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"What's on your mind, Emily?" - (A little "dark" Emily)

"In my heart...?" — quietly asked the brunette, his hand on his chest clenched the fabric of hoodies in this place. Her eyes immediately flew to the scraps her entire albeit short, but eventful life. First the foster family of drunks who didn't need her for nothing, then her pathetic attempts to escape from that old house, to find out what the world outside was like. Then it all began... they Say that the child's psyche is so flexible that by adulthood all this is gradually forgotten. But this is not quite true. They also say that there is a "dead zone" where all these old memories are deposited. She often ran away from home when "parents" fell asleep after another binge. Curiosity drove her. She shouldn't have done that. She knew nothing of the world outside, nor of the people who inhabited it. Especially the ones in her neighborhood. Their attempts to grab her and do something terrible, the beatings, the insults ... Then that ill-fated picnic and the beast attack... Coincidence? I don't think so. Then her powers began to manifest. That was the first time she was killed. It was another drunken bum swinging a bottle at her. As a result, the bottle was broken and his throat was cut by claws. She had forgotten it, or remembered it, but she thought it was a nightmare. Then visions and ghosts. Something no one else had seen. Then the adventure of the foster parents and their sudden death in front of her. Her escape and long wandering for several days until she reached the Wonder Cabin and ended up in Gravity falls. And finally... all the crazy adventures that she had to go through there. Emily had always thought she should be able to forgive, and she didn't want to spill her emotions on others for fear of hurting them, but now...

— You ask me what is in my heart?" — what is it? " she asked softly, slowly looking up from under her bangs. Her eyes had gone from gray to red, and her pupils were dilated. — Do I even have a soul?" What's she like?" What does she look like?" Personally, I've never seen her before. And you? What is your soul? Does it have a shape, a color? Can I touch it? But I'd like. a wide smile spread across her lips, revealing sharp teeth. She slowly extended her right hand in front of her. The Crescent sign on it was black. Her fingernails stretched and sharpened, glinting dangerously. — They say that it is somewhere in between. So maybe I should try to get it and the very first to learn what the soul is, and then to answer such questions.

Then she shook her head sharply, wagging her tails and closing her eyes. When I opened them, they were gray again.

"What was that?" she asked herself in surprise, looking around. "Strange... did it Seem?" Well, okay. What questions do we have there today? she shrugged, picking it up.

"Emily, would you be able to kill a man if he seriously injured Dipper?»

"Dipper ... hurt?" she whispered, taking the paper away from her with trembling hands. Vivid, imaginative images of such a scene flashed before his narrowed eyes. First came the memory of the very first death she had seen. The death of her adoptive parents. It was pure accident and police stupidity, but ... Pools of blood, holes in their bodies, lifeless, empty eyes staring at the sky, and the realization that they had simply disappeared and were no more. They disappeared from this world forever. What if the same thing happened to Dipper through someone else's fault?

"Dipper and Mabel and I got into a lot of scrapes, but we always got out of them. "what's the matter?" she whispered, in a sort of trance. There were times when we could all have been killed or injured. I remember Gideon trying to kill him with scissors because Dipper was trying to save me from him. Then I was very angry. Before that, I felt sorry for him. I didn't want to hurt him by saying no, but... at that moment, I kind of forgot about it. It even crossed my mind that if he hurt him, I would do the same to him. she spoke the last words in a lower, rougher, grimmer voice, slowly raising her glowing red eyes. — He, like Mabel and everyone else, is my family. I can't lose him. I promised myself I would protect him. There were so many lousy people in this world, and he, like all of them, was like a ray of light in this darkness. And if he suddenly doesn't — " a ghastly smile curved her lips. — They are all chains that hold my inner beast. They won't let me be like all the scum I've seen before. I remember my first murder. It was an accident, I don't even know how I did it, but the point was I was defending myself. But now I'm protecting everyone else. There is such a phrase: "an Eye for an eye". So does this mean that if someone hurts someone close to me or kills them, then I will do the same to them. I will not let this scum walk the earth in peace. He or she must pay for it. she ran her sharpened fingernails over the wooden surface of the table, leaving deep marks on it. — If I lose any of my family, one of the chains will break and it will be harder for me to forgive that person and not do anything." Until I let my beast out and tore them apart. Killing is bad, isn't it? Heh, so why didn't this killer's parents explain this truth to him? Did he not know that there was a hunter for every beast of prey? she chuckled. — I wish I could look this very man in the eye and see why he did it and whether he is worthy of forgiveness."

"You yandere"?

A flashback

"Emily? Are you okay? Is there something you wanted to ask me? surprised handed it to Dipper, looking into the shining gray eyes of the brunette that was staring at him all the lessons, absolutely not ashamed of it. She had looked at him long before, but now... there was something strange in her eyes. And she herself was a little unaccustomed. More open, cheerful, active, involuntarily reminding him of Mabel, in moments of her mad love.

Can't be any better! she took his hand in hers and, to his surprise and embarrassment, pressed his hand to her cheek, closing her eyes and blushing. There's a gentle smile on her lips. — When you near with me, I feel simply Superski! I'm not afraid, because you will save me, no matter what happens. After all, you're my hero.


- Pacifica? - surprised handed it to the brunette, noticing the talking in the school hallway Dipper and Northwest. If on personified by brown-haired man was puzzlement together with amazement, confusion and embarrassment, then on personified by blondes anticipation, confidence in own forces, and also victory, shining in gays the eyes of.

— What are they talking about?" Emily whispered to herself as she leaned back against the wall and watched them from around the corner, the hood of her sweatshirt over her head. She knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but her childish curiosity had taken over and she couldn't help it.

— But I can't go to the party with you!" Actually, I don't mind joining, but I have Emily! She'll probably be upset if she sees me with you. but as he finished, the blonde rose on tiptoe, placing a fingertip on his lips and hissing. The brown-haired man's cheeks flushed. He hadn't expected that from Northwest.

Emily's silver eyes widened. They reflected the scene unfolding before her.

"Come on! She wouldn't even notice!

"I won't notice."? Pacifica - " she slid slowly down the wall with her back to him, her knees drawn up to her chest. "He's my hero... Only mine... Not hers... mine ..." she whispered, running her sharpened fingernails along the wall and making deep cuts.


"Emily, are you hurt?" She would have told me at once! I'm worried! I've been waiting for you for half an hour! Dipper exclaimed excitedly, grabbing the girl's arm and leading her toward the stairs.

There was blood on her hands, dripping slowly from the tips of her sharp fingernails. In her other hand she clutched strands of blond hair. He thought, that she simply got hurt, so so girl on purpose cut itself hands in these places, lest he not guessed, that this not its blood.

"I'm not going to kill Pacifica. After all, she's my best friend's boyfriend's sister. And I don't like killing. Maybe she'll improve. I'll give her a chance. Everyone deserves forgiveness, don't they? the ghastly smile reappeared on her lips, then faded as she and dipper went into the attic and he began to work on her wounds, occasionally asking if she was in pain, to which She responded with a gentle smile.

— As long as you're with me, I'll never get hurt. You're my hero.


A loud explosion shook the Hut. The source of this terrible sound was Ford's laboratory. Another failed experiment that ended, like many others, in an explosion.

Mabel, Jack, Emma, Stan, Wendy, and Sus went downstairs to see if they were all right.

Ford was all right, he was only thrown against the nearest wall, but Dipper, who was helping him at that moment, was covered by Emily, hugging him tightly, and stretching her arm back, put a protective barrier around them.

— I in order... - breathed out brown-haired man, raising glance on brunette, and has stopped for. His brown eyes narrowed.

It wasn't quite the Emily he was used to seeing. Her red, narrow-pupiled eyes stared into his. Her face is flushed, her lips drawn back in a wide smile, her hands on his cheeks, stroking them with her fingers.

"It's okay, Dipper. I will always be there to save you. Emily will protect you. — Oh, no! " she whispered, her scarlet eyes sparkling with love.

End of flashback

"I don't know. — the brunette shrugged her shoulders. — I've heard the word several times, but I don't know what it means. So probably not. Well, that's all. Thank you for your questions and good night if you have a late time now. Bye-bye. Emily waved goodbye to the mailbox. Her eyes flashed scarlet for a second.

Gravity Falls -  Crescent mystery  - (Dipper x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon