Chapter 13

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Once the guys climbed the Manotaur on his back, he ran through the forest, knocking down everything that got in his way. Several times, guys slightly not crashed into in nest or branch, but in this moment they here same leaned over. In the end, they ended up in a cave filled with many Mujikotaurs, they were either fighting or training. As soon as Emily was in the cave, they quickly smelled her.

— I sense a Werewolf here." — say one thing.

"And that Werewolf, girl." — echoed the other. All Muzicari immediately was beside her and began to examine her. Apparently, women-Werewolves, enjoyed have them popularity. They were already making eyes at the brunette and whistling. From such a close attention, Emily hid behind Dipper, which modicum and was stunned those that learned about it, but of fear to it not experienced.

"Hey, guys! I brought us a hairless kid and a Werewolf girl. They want us to teach them to be wars. said all great, it introduced them to a new friend — what's your name? he asked the boys.

"My name is Dipper, and her name is Emily." "introduced himself and her, lad. All immediately frown, began to growl.

— I mean, I'm Dipper the Destroyer, and she's Emilia the Black Death." immediately he thought of new names for himself and her, names that sounded more menacing. Muzicari immediately changed his mind, considering them good names, especially the name of the brunette.

"So this little girl's name is Death?" "what's the name?" one of them asked. Apparently, she's very hot. —

"Hey! Don't you dare touch her! Dipper shouted as one of them took a lock of her jet-black hair in his hand. Seeing her suitor up close, the brunette pressed closer to dipper, causing Him to blush.

"Shall we teach him?" asked the big fellow. They immediately began to confer, and finally agreed, but only because of the brunette, because, so much she attracted them.

The guys had to perform special tests, and the first of them was a test in which you had to put your hand in the "hole of pain". None of them knew why, when you put your hand in there, you immediately feel a very strong pain. Because of this, it's a challenge many didn't like but it helped Musicalarm, develop will power and to overcome the fear. This time it was the boys ' turn, dipper volunteered first, and as soon as he put his hand inside, His cry echoed through the forest. A few seconds later, he was sitting on the ground next to a terrified Emily, who managed to pull him away.

She was very scared by this, but seeing how everybody supports her and Dipper, she decided. The brunette went to the hole and stuck her hand in, after a minute, her face twisted in pain, and sweat broke out on her skin. But despite this, she did not scream, did not even squeak, just stood there clenching his jaw, and was silent. Then she pulled out her hand, which had been bitten, and walked over to the stunned Dipper.

"Are you all right?" "what is it?" he asked excitedly, examining her hand.

— Yeah. "no," she said.

— Why didn't you scream?" — asked in surprise a Huge.

— It's just that I've been in pain since I was a kid, so I've gotten used to it over time and learned to tolerate it. "no," she said. After that, Muzicari burst into delighted cries even more and began to build her eyes.

Dipper looked at her bloody hand with concern and fear, but after a few seconds, his fear was replaced by a strong surprise, her wounds were healing right before his eyes, not even leaving scars. He immediately remembered who she was and stopped being surprised.

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