Chapter 21

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Dipper and Emily walked over to the counter, behind which were a number of identical, plush toys on a shelf.

"They're so cute." I wish I had one. Emily said, her eyes shining at the toys.

"Your wish will be granted right now." Dipper said, smiling proudly.

- Really? the brunette was delighted.

— Certainly. Give me the ball, please. "what?" he asked. He was immediately handed a baseball. Dipper glanced at Emily, who was looking at him hopefully, and took good aim and launched the ball. But unfortunately, he did not get into the bottle, just the opposite, he pushed off from the table and hit the brunette hard on the eye.

"Ah! My eye! "Oh!" she cried, clutching at him.

"Oh, My God! Emily, I'm sorry. I accidentally. Dipper excused himself. He looked with pity and fear at the brunette, who was trembling and holding her eye.

— N-nothing s-terrible. It's not your fault. Emily was in so much pain that she couldn't even speak. She pressed her hand to her eye and moaned, " Dipper, help me." My eye hurts a lot. — quietly told she, from a strong and a sharp pain, she has even started to cry the second eye. But worst of all, blood had flowed from the damaged eye, and apparently the eye was badly damaged and threatened to leak.

"Don't worry, Emily. I'll get the ice! Dipper shouted, startled, and ran for the ice. The brunette struggled, tried to endure this pain and not show that she was bad.

"I'm always causing trouble. Because of me, the booth fell, and because of me, Dipper could be in trouble. But what about my eye? Why do I feel like he's trying to fall out? her thoughts were interrupted by a startled cry and a touch on her shoulder.

— You need to go to the hospital! a familiar voice said. Looking up, Emily saw Jack standing in front of her, looking worried and scared.

— I - I'm fine." All right. Dipper's going to get the ice, and everything's going to be all right. "I'm sorry," she said, stepping aside.

"What ice?"! You need to go to the hospital! — exclaimed the blonde and grabbing the brunette by the arm, dragged her somewhere.

"Hey, let her go!" dipper shouted as He approached them.

Dipper! Emily said happily, trying to get to him, but Jack's grip was too tight.

— If you can't see, she needs urgent medical attention right now." Her eye is about to leak, and your ice will do you no good. with irritation, Jack said, continuing to drag the brunette — And by the way, you don't know who suddenly decided to knock her eyes out? —

Is... is me. But it was an accident, I didn't know that it happened. "what's going to happen?" he said fearfully, knowing full well what was going to happen.

"I knew it!" A klutz like you always gets her in trouble. - at these words, the blond man crunched his fists and was about to hit him, when he was grabbed by the arm and tried to pull away. Surprisingly, Emily managed it, but a second later she grabbed her eye again, crying out in pain. After this, Jack immediately remembered the brunette, and once again grabbed her by the hand, took him still in the hospital.

When Emily returned, Dipper immediately began asking her how she was feeling.

— What happened to your eye?" Did it leak? Do you see well?" he asked her questions.

— The doctor said I needed to walk around for a while with my eye bandaged. But there's a possibility I won't be able to see them. - the last words, she said quietly.

Gravity Falls -  Crescent mystery  - (Dipper x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora