(Bonus chapters-Answer / Question) - Part 4

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"Emily, would you like to travel?»

The gray eyes widened at the question, stars twinkling in them. The girl put the question aside and started jumping up and down, clapping her hands.

"Of course I want to travel!" In addition to Gravity falls there are many other interesting and mysterious places! Dipper and uncle Ford say that in addition to our universe there are others. He calls them alternative Gravity falls. He said that we will visit them soon! And if you're still interested in watching my adventures with Dipper and Mabel, I'm sure you'll be interested in them too! But while we explore our Gravity falls, to which I am accustomed and live for a long time. He, too, is not yet fully disclosed. We were just going to visit a very interesting place with Wendy the other day. A cave, I think. I think it will be fun!

"What were your worst moments during your adventure with the Pines?»

— For me, every new adventure is something new and scary at the same time. But I think that this is normal, because it is not for nothing that they say that the unknown is frightening. But sometimes there are truly scary moments... Emily looked down, bangs hiding his, their fingers intertwined between them. — The scariest thing for me is when Dipper, Mabel, or anyone else I care about gets in trouble. Then my heart seems to hoot down, and in my head the annoying thought knocks: "I can lose them. To lose forever. Or they could get hurt and hurt badly."In such me almost not worries own well-being. Dipper and uncle Stan taught me that it doesn't matter how dangerous a situation you're in or what might happen to you. More importantly, others may suffer and only you can save their lives. And if not — " she squeezed the paper between her fingers. — I'd never forgive myself if dipper got hurt and I wasn't around or if I chickened out." This power is given to me for a reason. She put her hand on her right hand, where the mark was. — not just an ornament. With his help, I will always protect them, no matter what happens. And I know they'll do the same for me. Dipper may be a normal boy, but he's special to me. Let he has no super-forces, more accurately, before not was. But I know he'll save me or Mabel if we get into trouble, and she'll do the same. You should have seen her when she confronted bill Cypher himself when he captured Dipper's body. I also know we're all together as a team."Me, Dipper, Mabel, Jack, Zoos, Wendy, uncle Stan and uncle Ford, and all the rest of us, we will defeat any evil that dares to attack us! And I believe that whatever universe we find ourselves in later, everything will be exactly as it is now!

"Question you and Wendy: as you communicate, despite difference in age and characters?»

"Wendy, there's a question for you!" Emily shouted, looking out the door and waving the paper in her other hand.

"What is it?" the red-haired girl asked curiously, stepping inside and taking the sheet from her hand. "Oh, that's easy. So and communicate. with that, she put her arm around the laughing brunette's shoulders and began to write:

— Even if we have an age difference, we communicate with each other as easily as with twins. And who said that we are so different in nature. Emily is very brave, but a little insecure. And she also likes to explore unusual and mysterious places, like me. Sometimes we even compete to climb trees, of course, without her super powers, or hang out somewhere all together. At times like this, I even forget she's a little girl. she paused and looked at her intently. She looked a little hurt, but more joking than real. The redhead grinned and patted her head. "Sorry, Amy. But know that mostly I see you almost as my age, especially since you're 13 now, right? Quite already adult. So that normally communicate. The same goes for ZUS.

"Do you know your counterparts from the other universes of Gravity falls?»

"I saw him a couple of times during Ford's experiments. I only know a few of my doppelgangers. From Reverse falls, from hunter falls, Tower falls, Sally Face, and finally just from... um ... another Gravity falls. I don't know if you can call it reverse, but I saw that everything is like ours, but it's different. For example, I live with my family in this city from the very beginning, but then I leave and come back two years later, when I turn 13. I don't know the details, but I've also seen some of my friends... change. I mean, girls like Mabel and Pacifica have become boys, and even Chubby has become a man! And Dipper has teamed up with bill at birth, but overall it is still the same, only with blue eyes. I, too, like such a same. Ah, with small differences. In all universes, I am the same as I am, but with tiny differences. But that's all about me, will tell you a little about alternate versions of my friends. Wendy, can you go now, or can you sit here? she turned to cordra, who had crossed one leg over the other and was leaning her cheek on her hand, looking at Her with interest.

"No, I'll sit here and listen." I am very interested to know what I am in other versions of our universe. - smiled she, on that brunette nodded and continued.

"In Reverse falls, Dipper and Mabel are from a wealthy family, and they're-not too rude, I mean-not weird, no, but ... creepy." They are blue-eyed and very intelligent. They reminded him of Gideon, though he was almost normal now. And they have magic. They have bill Cypher's brother, will Cypher. He's so cute. I feel sorry for him. Pacifica, Jack and Gideon, they're different. They're like normal kids. And I think I was a Princess, or something like that. Wendy's goth, and Robbie's a normal guy. Uncle Stan is just as kind, but more so than usual. It's about Reverse. Next up is hunter falls. He such same, as our town, only in it all long known about populating his mystical creatures. Even people who pass a special exam to become hunters of evil spirits. There's me, Mabel, uncle Stan, and Jack, all taking this exam together. Dipper is almost the same there as in Reverse falls, but he is the same as usual. Outwardly, though, he looked like Gideon. And Mabel and Wendy and the boys. Sally Face, it's a completely different universe, but somehow connected to ours, even if it doesn't end in "falls." I think everyone knows about this universe for a long time. Tower falls, we're going to visit it soon. In this universe, our entire town is inside the Tower, isolated from the outside world. I don't know much about that world, but I do know that Dipper, me, Gideon, and Chubby are going to be the main characters. I'm not sure about the others, but Wendy's a guy again, just like Mabel. Emily said, scratching her cheek. — And then there's the universe closest to us, as I call it — reverse Gravity falls, because It's not very different from our world. Except that someone has a different sex, and there are more people in it, that's all. It will again be all of us, to participate in crazy adventures. Our group is there: Dipper, Wendy, just a guy, Pacifica, also a guy, Mabel, also a boy, me, and Gideon. Quite unexpectedly, he will be there with us. I hope he doesn't call me "blueberry" again and do bad things. There are still Monster falls, Elemental falls, Underdale, Adventure, and many other universes of Gravity falls, and I'm sure that soon we will visit them all and solve the puzzles! As soon as uncle Ford is done with his special car. And I hope bill won't interfere this time. So, the next question.

— Wow. It'll blow your head off. Wendy murmured in surprise. — And you remember all that?"

"Yeah. Uncle Ford gave me some of his research to read. It's better than having strange dreams or predictions at night. Especially since Dipper's doing the same thing. I always like to keep him company. she smiled, blushing, that red-haired grinned, again patting her on the head.

"You thought about changing your image"?

"A lot of people say I'm a goth. I think so. Unlikely, of course, I'm a full-fledged goth because I read about them. It says that they drink coffee, smoke, walk in gloomy places like cemeteries, and talk a lot about various gloomy things, such as death. And they do piercings. I doubt all of the above applies to me. I don't like coffee and I don't smoke. But the style of my clothes is probably Gothic. I like my clothes. I don't like bright colors like Mabel, and I'm so comfortable. Sometimes I wear something different, like her gift sweater or a shirt like Wendy's, but I try not to part with my favorite sweatshirt. The same goes for the hairstyle. It's comfortable and I like it. So the hair does not interfere and looks pretty cute. I didn't like my looks very much before, but now I like everything. However, recently my hair has changed a little shade. she pulled back a strand of hair that had a distinct shade of blue in it. "Uncle falls says it's normal in this town, and some people have unusual hair colors, like Wendy's friend, Timbri. She's had them since she was a child. But in General everything is normal. And I think one last question for today.

"Do you like edged weapons?"

— Strange question. If to speak about external kind of, then Yes, I seen on pictures, that it can be very the beautiful, but if know, for what his usually use. - girl flinched, clasping shoulders hands. "Wendy has an axe, but she uses it to cut down trees. I know there are weapons for self-defense, but I don't need them. she held out her hand. The nails on the fingers instantly pointed. — With nails like that, I don't need a weapon to protect me." But I still don't like to hurt and prefer not to use them. Only if I or my family is in danger. That's it! Thank you for listening and reading! Hope to see your new questions soon! Bye-bye! she waved a hand as she stuffed the scribbled sheet of paper into the mailbox.

Gravity Falls -  Crescent mystery  - (Dipper x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon