Chapter 25

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Dipper and Emily walked through the woods, looking around for anything unusual. Suddenly, the brunette noticed something up ahead, what with her sharp eyesight, was pretty surprising. She immediately ran forward, so fast that Dipper could barely keep up with her, in the end he tripped over a stone and rolled down, accidentally knocking Emily, after which, they rolled down in a ball.

"I'm Sorry, Emily. I accidentally. Dipper apologized as they stopped,his face flushed.

"It's all right. - answered brunette, also blushing - Nu, went further. she walked forward and walked right under the bright pink light she hadn't noticed, then suddenly shrank to the size of an ant.

"Emily! Dipper cried out in alarm and ran to her.

— Why is everything so big?" Dipper, you found a way to get bigger! she was delighted to see the guy in the role of a giant.

— I'm not the big one, you're the little one." "Yes," he said, glancing at the book.

"What?"! How did it happen? I was just a normal size! "I'm sorry," she said, looking down at her tiny body.

"Found it!" Emily, stand in that blue light. Dipper said, pointing to the blue glow under which the girl immediately stood. Through several seconds, she has become normal growth.

"Wow, these crystals can zoom in and out. Dipper, we found a way to make you taller! "Oh," she said. After this, a boy with the help knife, neatly took out a small crystal, and attached his to flashlight.

When guys have returned home, Dipper here same tried flashlight on chess figure, and making sure that he works, used his on itself.

"Dipper, you really are taller. happily smiled at the brunette.

"Now's the time to show it to Mabel." Dipper said, and went downstairs. The brown-haired woman was very surprised that her brother grew up so suddenly, but did not slow down her enthusiasm, since she began to grow first. After that, Dipper used the flashlight again, and got even taller, this time, he was taller than Mabel and Emily, by a full head.

The brown-haired woman immediately suspected something was wrong, because of what, decided to personally find out everything. At first, she thought that the closet sits a wizard, but then she found out about the flashlight, which immediately wanted to take it away. Between twins began a scuffle, owing to which, they ran out on streets.

- Guys, don't fight! You're brother and sister! Emily pleaded, and ran after them. But there was quite a big trouble, this flashlight accidentally got Gideon, who again tried to take away the Hut, but he did not succeed, and he made the three of them small, then put in a jar and took it home.

When Gideon entered the house, the guys saw standing at the threshold and vacuuming, a woman with lush gray hair and a very frightened expression on her face, it was the blonde's mother. Emily tried to get her attention and began to knock on the Bank with his fists, why, it went cracks, and not to break it, the brunette began to knock more carefully. When the woman noticed it, she began to look very closely at it, when she saw the sign of the Crescent moon, her eyes opened in shock.

"Peter's Daughter?" she asked in surprise, but when Gideon looked at her, she immediately started vacuuming again. The blond man carried the boys to his room and sat them down on the table.

"Please don't hurt the boys. Emily asked, her eyes pitiful.

— Don't worry about that. I give you my word that not a single hair will fall from your beautiful ponytails, as well as from the heads of the twins, if you become my Queen. "Yes," he said, smiling.

"I'm sorry... but... I don't like you." "no," she said softly, pressing her head against her shoulders.

"Well, then, sit here for a while. as he spoke, Gideon took the girl by the hood of her sweatshirt and tossed her into a pack of marmalade bears.

"I'll get you guys out!" — come on! " she called to them, trying to get out — but I'll get out first. It's slippery. - after this, Gideon became interrogate Dipper, but soon his has called the father, and blond is gone, leaving in as a safeguard a hamster. As soon as he was out of the room, the frightened woman entered.

"Don't worry, I'll set you free." she pulled Emily out of the bag and took the three of them in her hand.

"Who are you?" Dipper asked her.

"My name is Carla. I noticed that in your company, there is a daughter of Peter, the husband of my old friend. Carla said.

- Help us please, Gideon wants to reduce of our uncle. — asked her Mabel.

— Nicely. I'll carry you out of the house. she said, and carried the boys out into the yard, where they ran under the cars and climbed on a huge balloon shaped like a dollar sign.. Unfortunately, Gideon had already gone to the Cabin, and the boys were a long way from it, especially in this state.

"If that dollar could carry us to the Cabin." Mabel said sadly, which gave the brunette an idea.

"Do balloons fly?" she asked the boys.

— Yeah. Dipper said.

"Then we're going." she replied, smiling. After this, she summoned the fire on the tip finger and cut them rope, which kept balloon,from-for what, guys indeed flew.

"Emily, you're a genius." Mabel exclaimed, hugging the brunette.

"That's right. It's a great idea. Dipper said, supporting his sister.

— Thank You. the brunette blushed at the compliments. The boys gasped as they flew, their clothes and hair flying in the wind, making them feel like birds. At this rate, the boys soon found themselves directly on the roof of the Hut, now they had only to go down. As before, Emily took the lead, took the boys ' hands, and leapt down, landing squarely on Gideon's neck.

When he entered the house, he immediately reduced ZUS, accidentally confusing it with the wall. After that, he went into the room where there were a lot of mirrors, specially purchased by Stan.

Shoot there was a serious error, since the beam is then reflected from the mirrors, because of this, Gideon went into a rage and began to smash the mirrors. When he finally did find Stan, the guys started extreme measures, they climbed under his arm and began to tickle him.

Thanks to this, Stan was able get rid of boy, and twins again become normal growth, truth Mabel all also has remained higher Dipper's. But unfortunately, they forgot about ZUS.

— We need glue. - Dipper said.

- Lots of glue. - Mabel agreed.

"What is glue?" - Emily asked.

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