Chapter 37

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As the Pines family left without a home, they had to live with my grandmother SOOS, Babality. There was news on TV that the Cabin would be demolished and Gideonland would be built in its place. Everyone was desperate, especially Dipper.

— How could that happen?" Every time we somehow managed to beat him. It's all my fault. Dipper said sadly, and bowed his head.

That is not the case. We just weren't in the Cabin at the time, or we would have saved her. You can't leave it like that. This Cabin is our home. And house need to defend until the end of! Emily said firmly, clenching her fists.

"You're right. This time, the heroes in the family will be girls. I have a grappling hook, and you and Emma have supernatural powers. said Mabel, clutching the arms of the Manson sisters.

"You're right. Look, tomorrow we're going to reclaim the Cabin. This Gideon is just a kid with delusions of grandeur. Emma announced. All with it of course agreed. You couldn't just leave everything.

The next day they came to the Hut. They were all wearing black cloaks and wide-brimmed hats, but Emily had just thrown a hood over her head. Through the bars she saw Jack, who was standing next to Pacifico. Girl quietly beckoned his and he ran up to companies.

"Good to see you guys." This is happening. Gideon wants to build an amusement Park on the site. And I don't want to. "no," said the boy.

— We don't want that either." Will you help us save the Cabin? Emily asked.

— Certainly. he shook his head. First they had to deal with the guards, fortunately, problems with this did not arise. Jack stealthily crept up to the two thugs and abruptly stunned them. After that, the guys went on stage, where they began to talk.

— Listen to the people, Gideon was a thief. He broke into the house and stole property documents. Stan said.

— We saw it. If we hadn't been in uncle Stan's head, we could have prevented it. Emily's next words were unnecessary. People immediately began to laugh and point at her.

"My poor blueberry. She'd lived with Stan so long she'd gotten dementia from him. Gideon said with mock sympathy.

— Don't talk about my sister like that!" Since no one believes us anyway, let's do this. We'll have a little competition for the right to own the Cabin. I hear you're a telepath and you know everything about the people here. Now, I'm a telepath, too, but unlike you, I'm a real one. The purpose of the competition is that people will ask us questions about themselves, and we will answer them. That's where we find out which one of us is a fraud. "to the boys' surprise, Emma was a good diplomat. Emily quickly understood her plan. Last night they both had a prophetic dream. As it turned out, Gideon knew all about people thanks to the cameras he kept hidden in the giant robot in his garage. While she was distracted by Gideon, they had to get to his house and fetch the robot, thereby showing the people the whole truth. Sten and SOOS were left with Emma as bodyguards, for Gideon was a shrewd fellow, and he might be up to something.

As soon as the competition began, the boys slipped off the stage and headed for Gideon's house. When they reached it, Emily immediately melted the lock with fire and they went inside. There was only Carla, who showed them the garage. As they entered, they saw the robot. He was gigantic and a copy of Gideon himself. He wore the same light blue suit and a huge MOP of white hair. Emily stood carefully beside him and tried to lift him. Fortunately, she succeeded, albeit with difficulty. Even for her great physical strength, this robot was too big. She carried it herself for a while, but then Dipper took over. He climbed inside and began to operate the robot. It was rather difficult, since, for this it was necessary to wear the suit.

When they reached the stage, they saw that Gideon had grown tired of guessing and was beginning to falter. Say what you will, but remember the secret of all the inhabitants of the town, quite hard. When the humans spotted the robot, they gasped and backed away. Dipper got out of it and said.

"It's Gideon's robot. Inside there are cameras, with their help he watched you and learned all the secrets. He wasn't a telepath, just a common crook.

"Gideon wants to own all of Gravity falls. He's dangerous. You can't trust him. If you don't believe me, look here. Emily led the men inside and showed them the cameras. They showed residents of the town doing all sorts of things. Everyone was very shocked and upset. They trusted this boy so much, and he cheated them all the time. So this time, Gideon became a criminal and a fraud, and the pines family are real heroes. The reporter told everything that happened, and the journalists took pictures of them from all sides.

"Emily, you're so good." I'm so proud of you. If mom and dad were here, they'd say the same thing! Emma exclaimed, hugging her sister.

- Yes, it was incredibly cool and cool. You're really good. Dipper said happily, blushing a little.

"Thanks for helping with the robot." I couldn't have done it alone. Emily smiled sheepishly.

— You've all done your best, and now we're going back to the Cabin to celebrate." Stan announced, hugging the boys.

But suddenly, Gideon tried to escape, firmly tossed under the arm diary 2. But he was seized by a grappling hook and dragged back.

"Grappling hook! And you said he was useless! Mabel said to Dipper, smiling happily.

"Well, he's not so useless. Dipper said. After that, the whole company went to the Hut preparing for the holiday, because this evening should be a party.

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