Chapter 20

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There was a fair in Gravity Falls today. People gathered quite a lot, they all had fun, laughed, and entertained. Dipper took Emily there at once, and Mabel stayed with Stan. The brunette had never seen a fair before, so now she looked around, and curiously examined everything.

Every 5 minutes, she asked Dipper a new question, which he barely had time to answer. In the end, Dipper invited her to ride with him on the cable car.

Since it went up quite high, Emily at first was afraid to ride it, but the presence of Dipper, it calmed and pleased, at the same time. They sat in the booth, where Dipper helped her fasten her seat belt, and they began to climb. At first all was well, but then, when they rose very high, the brunette again seized with fear.

"Dipper, will the booth fall?" — what is it? " she asked him, clinging to his shoulder in a frightened way that made him blush.

"No, of course not. It's pretty strong, and it should hold us. "no," he said, trying to reassure her. But then, the cab swayed, and the boys stone flew down. They screamed in fright to keep Emily from being so scared, Dipper told her to close her eyes while he tried to think of something. Seconds later, they landed. However, the landing was very hard, but fortunately, the guys were not injured.

— Can I open my eyes now?" Emily asked dipper, but He said nothing. She abruptly opened her eyes and saw that they are now on the ground, the Dipper in the contrast, was very frightened and shocked.

— The cable car is broken, and so are my bones. he said softly, trying to regain his composure. Hearing the last words, the brunette immediately began to examine him. His arms and legs were intact, and it made her breathe a sigh of relief.

— But you said it wouldn't break." "what?" she asked. Emily had always thought everything Dipper said was true. But this time, it was quite the opposite.

— Let's just say I made a mistake in the calculations. "still quiet," he said.

— It's not your fault, it's just a mistake. — I'm sorry, " she said soothingly, trying to bring him to his senses. She took his hand and led him out of the booth.

Stan immediately had a job for them, they had to attach false security certificates to anything that might break.

"Uncle Stan, is that legal?" Mabel asked him.

"As long as the police aren't here, it's legal." — Yes, " he said, with a chuckle.

— So, the fact that I took the ice cream, without asking, is it legal now? Emily asked, pulling the ice cream she'd picked up earlier out of the pocket of her sweatshirt. Unfortunately, she still didn't know anything about money and fees, so she could easily take something without paying.

"There she is, my darling girl! All in me! — joyfully exclaimed the Walls, patting the brunette on the back, to which she happily smiled at him. Uncle Stan, meanwhile, asked ZUS to fasten the lever of the water barrel, the purpose of which was to hit the target with a ball and throw sitting on it into the water.

"Nothing's going to throw me out of here now." he said, smiling.

- Actually, it will. Some bright beam will hit the target and you will fall into the water. Emily said, coming up to him.

— What makes you think that?" "what?" he asked.

I saw it in a dream. the brunette replied.

"Read less, Dipper stuff. Stan said irritably.

"Hey! — came the indignant cry of the Dipper.

— You'd better go and help the boys with the certificates and have fun at the fair." he smiled as he gently pushed her toward the boys.

Gravity Falls -  Crescent mystery  - (Dipper x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora