Chapter 33

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The moon shone in the dark sky. It lit up the small shelter building. From the half-open window came some rustling, and after a while, a leather bag flew out of it.

Through several seconds, made there crawled out the young girl, years 15 on kind of. She had long black hair tied in a high ponytail that fell to her waist, short strands hung down the sides of her face and fell over her shoulders, a disheveled fringe covered her forehead, and on the back of her left hand was a Crescent moon tattoo. But if Emily's curved to the left, this girl's curved to the right. She was dressed in a pink t-shirt and denim skirt, with sneakers.

But when she needed to go outside the shelter, when suddenly, before the girl appeared yellow, one eyed triangle.

"Look at that. Emma Manson herself decided to come out of hiding. I bet you're going to look for your sister. he said, grinning.

— If you want to hurt me, you can't do it." My mind is heavily protected. My father put it there, and he's very strong. "no," she said, clenching her hands into fists. She hated with all her heart the demon who had destroyed her family.

Because of him, the parents had to hand over the girl to the shelter, and her younger sister-Emily, and did give the family homeless. Emma knew perfectly well that her parents had done it to protect them. The Manson sisters were born with great power passed down to them from their father. But it was not just passed on, it contributed to bill, and not by chance, in the future, he wanted to take their power to himself to use in their terrible purposes.

— You're right about that, but your little sister is completely unprotected. Her psyche is badly shaken and it will not be difficult for me to drive her crazy. the demon said slyly.

— Just try. If you do, you will regret it dearly! the brunette exclaimed. The sign on her hand lit up, and the air around her became very cold and turned into snowflakes that began to gather together into a figure.

"Calm Down, Crescent Moon. Her strength is still growing, but when she reaches her full peak, then I will definitely come for her, and you will not be able to protect her. Bill laughed angrily and disappeared.

"I hate..." the brunette whispered through her teeth.

Then, the girl took out a skirt piece of paper on which was painted an unusual picture. It was a circle with bill Cypher in the middle. Around it was a ring with cells in which there were symbols representing this or that person. The symbols were in this order: a question Mark, an ice pack, a small Crescent with a process that made it look like a shell, a pine tree, another Crescent, only large and looking to the left, a Crescent looking to the right, the moon, the sun, a fist, a star, a palm print with six fingers, a llama, a shooting star, a heart with a seam, glasses. This leaf was have girls for good reason, all these people were as something are linked with bill and must were to confront him. The brunette swore to her parents that she would find these people, and then them.

A month ago, a young couple who were Emily's temporary family was murdered in an old house. The murder was committed by the police. A small, 12 — year-old girl was found at the scene and immediately ran away. Emma was sure it was her sister. Girl strongly for it she feared, so as the old house was the only, safe for it place. The brunette knew exactly where Emily had gone. As a child, her parents told her about the small town of Gravity falls. For them it was a special place, because there they met and married. After having children, they moved to the big city. According to them, Gravity falls had a special energy that was supposed to bring the girls to him.

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