Chapter 17

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The hunters  car drove all day, and during this time, the brunette managed to doze off. She was awakened by the creak of a door opening.

"Sit here for a while." We'll pick you up in an hour. I can't wait to start studying you. Rick said with a wicked grin. In the pocket of his leather jacket, a sharp knife gleamed in the moonlight. A man here same shut down the door, and is gone, not forgetting under this, to leave several people for safeguard.

— Well, you will get the same Werewolf. one of them said, also grinning horribly.

— It will cut your fragile body into small pieces." And then, he will begin to study these pieces. the other echoed, and they both laughed. Emily was neither alive nor dead, from fear. She was horrified to see this terrible man cutting her to pieces. The sight of it made her shrink into a ball and shiver even more violently.

She had never been so afraid, because Dipper had always been there to protect her and save her. But now, he wasn't around. In its psyche settled despair, when she realized, that its hero, now near not will. She looked out the lattice window, through which she could see the dark starry sky, and the moon, which was now in the shape of a Crescent moon.

Suddenly, in its head came crazy idea, she evoked the about how, that spoke it Dipper, the bearer mark Crescent, possesses unusual abilities, and she all forces tried to their awaken.

At first, nothing unusual happened. But after a few minutes, Emily noticed that her sign was glowing with a soft silvery light. A smile appeared on the girl's face, and she clasped her pendant tightly in her hands and whispered.

"Dad, mom, please help me." — after that, the real hell started to happen. Her sign glowed even more brightly, all the objects that were around her, rose into the air.

Then, the brunette approached the door and with full force struck her a blow. There was a deep dent in the door. after a few more blows, a huge hole appeared in it, through which the brunette came out. But she was immediately surrounded by guards.

"Going somewhere, wolf girl?" one of them asked sarcastically.

— Better get back, tear up some wolf ass. the second echoed. They were getting closer and closer to the frightened girl, she was backing away in fear, and did not know what to do. But suddenly, in her mind rang out a voice.

"All right, now I'll definitely grab her. The stupid girl doesn't even know I'm about to grab her from behind. and she turned in an instant and leaped away. Then, in its anybody again thought I heard voices, thanks to this, she easily could to know, with what hand they gather to attack, and cleverly dodged from them. But here is, someone grabbed its for ponytails, Yes so firmly, that she raze could not extricate. It turned out to be Rick.

"All right, I'll have some of you now." — I'm sorry, " he said, about to cut off her long hair. She struggled harder, but his grip was steel.

He paid no attention to her entreaties and entreaties, on the contrary, he only laughed in response. And at the very moment when the blade of the knife was already in contact with the first tail, something incredible happened. When the girl grabbed his arm, he jumped back, screaming in pain. The others recoiled in fear.

"Oh, My God! She's on fire! someone shouted.

"Fire?" "what is it?" she asked, surprised. Glancing down at her hands, she gave a startled cry, her hands covered in bright flames. It didn't burn or hurt, but it was very warm and warming. At first, Emily was scared, but seeing that the fire was not hurting her, she ceased to be afraid.

"You little bitch! Rick shouted angrily, and lunged at her, intending to stab her.

Emily screamed in fright and covered herself with her hands, the flames from them, immediately pounced on the man, who also hung in the air. He screamed in pain, waving his arms and legs, but the fire did not go out. He was soon joined by the others, who also hung in the air, but unlike him, did not burn. Girl became very frightening, she could not to believe, that all of this made she. The brunette mentally asked to let them go, and the men immediately fell to the ground, Rick immediately began to roll on the ground, eventually it went out. But he looked terrible, his whole body covered with burns, his clothes were torn, and his face was twisted with hellish pain.

"Run!" Hurry, let's get out of here!!! "what's that?" he shouted in a voice that was not his own. People immediately got into the car, and drove away.

Emily was left completely alone. She slowly raised her trembling hands to her face, her hands were not burned by the fire, but there was dried blood, not of her, but of the man who had fallen into her hands the moment she had first burned him.

She looked around the clearing, the ground in several places was not grass because of the fire. His face flashed into her mind, twisted with horror and pain, the thoughts of all those people she could hear clearly in her head. A glance at his shadow on the ground, she saw that the shadow she's a beast, with a rather grinning mouth.

"God, what have I done? I hurt these people. Very painfully. I almost killed them. What if I hurt Dipper? a terrible thought flashed through her mind. As she remembered him, Dipper's voice came from behind her. Is that you? Are you okay? his voice was agitated, but if before, his voice had made her feel good, now, it made her fear.

"Dipper ... please ... stay away." "no," she said, her voice low and frightened.

"Why not?" And where are those strange people? Did you run away from them? he pulled up to her in the Golf cart, and started to walk slowly toward her.

"Please don't come near me!" she said a little louder.

"Why not?" "are you sure you're okay?" - when he licked already close, she scared shouted — Not come any closer! and at the same moment, Dipper suddenly took to the air. He began to be thrown back and forth, hitting the trees and the ground.

"Emily, what's going on?" Are you doing this? "what is it?" he asked, startled.

— I don't know how to stop it! I can't control it! "Oh, no!" she shouted back, clutching her head, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Try to pull yourself together." — he answered, after another blow to the ground — do you have a fire on your hands? "what do you mean?" he asked, startled by the flames dancing in her hands.

"Oh, no! "Oh!" she cried, trying to get rid of him.

"Please calm down. Otherwise it won't stop. "what?" he repeated. Hearing his words, she tried to calm herself. When she took a deep breath and exhaled, she felt that she was beginning to recover. Right in front of her, Dipper immediately fell, covered in bruises, the flames on her palms also extinguished.

"Are you feeling better now?" he asked her. Girl could not to believe, the entire this nightmare ended. In the end, she could not stand it, and burst into tears, threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. Her shoulders were shaking and tears were running down her pale cheeks, making the sleeve of his t-shirt wet. Dipper hugged her tightly, trying to calm her down. When he did, they got in the car and Dipper drove her home.

It was late at night. Dipper drove in silence, and Emily stared off into the distance, thinking about everything that had happened. But in the end, fatigue overcame her, and she fell asleep with her head on Dipper's shoulder. When they arrived, he shook her shoulder to Wake her. The little girl opened her sleepy eyes a little, and then she was in Mabel's arms, crying.

— I'm so glad you're back! "Dipper, thank you for bringing my Emily back!" "then she fell into the arms of ZUS and Wendy, and then it was uncle Stan's turn. Everyone thanked Dipper, who was also glad she was okay.

"Thank you, Dipper. "You are indeed my hero." and she kissed him on the cheek "a second time," and went with the others to the Cabin.

- Now, I'll never wash my face. he said, with a dreamy smile, and followed.

Gravity Falls -  Crescent mystery  - (Dipper x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora