Another Piece to the Puzzle - Part 48

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"Who the fuck? Why? And How?" Harry demanded.

"Calm down," he said softly. "You're not going to like it."

"Bloody hell Jeff just tell me," he snapped.

"It was someone from Y/N's team," he answered. "Apparently the woman in the photo is interning with them at their sister company in Australia, so they arranged for her to approach you. I don't exactly know what their game plan or reasoning behind it was, but they hired their own paparazzi and guess who it was... it was the guy who had been following you and that you've had problems with in the past. It was him, who ended up leaking the photo."

Rage filled Harry's body from head to toe. He finally understood the saying, seeing red, because that's all he could see at that very moment. He gripped his phone as he walked into the other room.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding," he snapped. "Who the fuck was it?"

"That I don't know. Our team was able to track down the source of the photo and the woman in them. She told us everything, but who it was that arranged for it because she doesn't want to lose her job," Jeff rolled his eyes.

"Fuck her job," Harry snapped. "She'll be lucky if we don't sue her for fucking slander!"

"Harry, I know you're upset..." Jeff said softly.

"No fucking shit! I'm more than just upset! I almost lost my family because of this, Jeff! I want you to fucking find out who set this us and why and we're taking them down. We're going to bleed them fucking dry and they'll be out of fucking business. It's one thing to make shit up about me just for the hell of it, but it's another fucking thing when that shit affects my family," Harry said.

"I know, and we're working on it, but I think our best bet is for Y/N to start weeding through her team since we know it was someone from there," Jeff said. "I just don't understand who wanted to hurt Y/N like that? I mean that's their client... unless they were going for some sort of publicity issue..."

"Well, if that's their idea of a fucking publicity stunt then they need a new fucking job," Harry said.

"Okay, why don't you go and get some rest and snuggle with your son," Jeff said. "We'll handle this, I promise."

Harry sighed, "Thank you."

Harry ended the call and stared at the wall. The urge to raise his fist and slam through every layer of the way was high, but he knew it wouldn't make things better and he'd not only fuck up his hand, he'd have to worry about getting the huge ass hole fixed.

He couldn't believe it and quite honestly this made the situation even more confusing. He knew he was going to have to tell you about this and he had no clue how you were going to react. He knew you'd be angry, but also hurt knowing someone within your own team betrayed your privacy and trust.

But at least, maybe, now that this was coming out as a fucked up set up, it would help with mending things between the two of you.


Harry had been in the other room for a while. You could see the look on his face that it was a serious phone call with Jeff and the tone in his voice worried you a little. Mac was now sleeping against your chest and you smiled at how innocent and adorable he looked. You kissed his head and slowly rose up from the bed to place him in his crib before going on the search for Harry.

When you walked out of the room, you saw Harry walking out of the room across the hall.

"Hey, everything okay?" You asked.

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