Family Drama - Part 39

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"Whose bed have your boots been under? And whose heart did you steal I wonder? This time did it feel like thunder, baby? Whose bed have your boots been under?" You sang along to one of your many favorite Shaina Twain songs while you started getting everything ready for breakfast.

You were holding Mac on your hip while you gathered everything needed from the fridge and cabinets. Mac giggled as he watched you and you danced around with him in the fridge. Harry had made his way down the stairs and smiled as he watched you. It had been a while since he'd heard you sing, granted you were just singing along, but you still put your heart into it.

He was getting ready to head out to pick up your parents and wanted to tell you goodbye. Once the song ended, is when you finally noticed Harry standing there with his phone in his hand.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"I think I should be the one asking you that," he smirked.

You groaned. "How much did you see?"

"The whole thing pretty much," he laughed.

"And you didn't say anything!" You groaned.

"Why would I? I was enjoying the show and so was our little man," he smiled walking over to you.

"You better delete that video," you mumbled.

"Not a chance," he smirked. "I'm going to get your parents from the airport, need me to pick up anything else?"

"Uh, maybe some more diapers and wipes," you said.

"Got it," he smiled kissing you quickly before kissing Mac's little head.

"Be good for Mummy, okay? I'll be back with your grandparents in like an hour," he smiled.

"Call me if you're going to be later," you said. "In case there's traffic or a delay."

"Will do," he smiled.


Harry decided to stop and get the diapers on the way to the airport. He walked right into the shop and straight to the diaper aisle. It's interesting to think that just a few months ago, he would have to ask for the aisle number and he'd take at least ten minutes trying to find the diapers he needed, but now he was somewhat a pro.

After he picked up the diapers and wipes, he paid for them and headed back to the car. He shook his head as he saw a camera out the corner of his eye taking pictures because purchasing diapers were so scandalous and entertaining. He rolled his eyes and glared at the person while getting into the car.  Ever since the stalker pap incident at the house, he's been much more aware of his surroundings when it came to paps. He had yet to see that same one and it's better for that guy if Harry never does because he doesn't know how much control he'd have to not punch his face in.

In the midst of his thoughts, Harry had pulled up to the airport. Your parent's plane had already landed, they just needed to get through security, baggage, and the terminal. He was looking at his phone when he saw your parents walking out. He quickly got out of the car and met them to take their bags.

"Harry!" your mom smiled hugging him tightly.

"Hey," he smiled hugging her back. "How was your flight?"

"Long," she laughed. "We're both ready to get settled and see our grandbaby!"

Harry laughed. "He's ready to see you. Y/N's making breakfast, so I hope you two are super hungry."

"I'm starving," your dad laughed. "I can't really eat the plane food."

"I hear you," Harry nodded.

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