Doctor's Appointment - Part 38

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Harry was currently in the driver's seat, you were in the passenger's and Mac was in his car seat in the back dancing around to the song playing on the radio. You giggled looking back at him. Harry took your hand in his as he sat at the red light. You smiled and kissed his hand.

"You know, I started thinking the other day..." You said. "We've been back together for well over a year now."

"We have, haven't we?" He nodded.

"It's crazy to think we were apart for so long, you know?" You told him. "This last year and then some... I like we've together for ages."

"In a way we were," he said. "But there were definitely times we weren't though."

"Looking back now, maybe those times we were apart, did mean something and help us get to where we are today," you smiled. "We're happier than ever, we're more in love than ever and we've got the best little guy."

"Yeah, we do," he smiled. "And we made him together."

"Yeah, and he looks more like you than me," you laughed. "I carried him for nine months and pushed him out of me while you were just there and he doesn't even look like me."

"Well, then I guess we'll just have to make some more until they do look like you," he smirked.

You laughed. "My luck they'd all look like you and eventually we'd have like ten kids."

He laughed," Speaking of kids... I know we're not ready for another one, but have you ever given a thought to having more?"

"Of course," you smiled. "Have you?"

"Plenty of times. I've thought about maybe having four? Of course, that depends on you and your health," he said.

"And sanity," you laughed.

"That's true," he said.

"We'd definitely have to wait until we're not touring to have all of those," you said.

"Or we could just form a family band and take the whole lot on tour with us," he smirked.

"Oh, god, what would be called the Styles Clan?" You joked.

"Well, you'd have to officially become a Styles for that..." he said looking over at you.

"If this is your way of proposing..." you giggled.

He laughed shaking his head. "I'm not, don't worry... at least not yet," he smirked.


The entire doctor's appointment you and Harry were more nervous than Mac. The doctor checked out everything and Mac got an amazing report. Once you got him redressed and back in the car seat, Harry wore the biggest smile on his face as he carried him back to the car.

"I knew you were perfect," Harry smiled tickling his belly.

Mac let out a giggle and placed his hands on his belly.

"I'm so ecstatic that he's doing well," You said once you all were back in the car.

"I am too!" Harry smiled. "I think we should celebrate."

"With a nap? What is our four-month-old going do to?" You giggled.

"I don't know, but I'll figure it out," he laughed.

Instead of going home, Harry stopped at a nearby shop for lunch. You both got out of the car and Harry got Mac and the diaper bag before following you inside.

"You look like such a dad," you joked.

He rolled his eyes, "Well, I am a dad, so, I'm glad I look like one."

You giggled pressing your lips against his quickly before walking over to your table. Harry put Mac down into a seat when you both sat down.

"After we order, we probably need to feed him soon," you said.

"Do we have any bottles with us?" He asked.

"Yeah, I packed a few," you nodded.

"I'll feed him then," he smiled. "Give Mummy a break, right?"

You both order some sandwiches and salads. Once the waitress leaves, Harry takes Mac out of the car seat, while you grab a bottle. You hand it to him and he starts feeding Mac.

"So, I've been trying to plan out the barbeque and it seems like weatherwise our best bet is Saturday afternoon," you said. "Do you think that will work with your family?"

"Yeah, I'll think it'll be perfect," he said.

"Great, We probably need to go shopping for food and what not, so we need to find a good time to go before then," you said taking a sip of your drink.

"Well we need to make a list of what we need first," he said. "But Friday or Thursday should be fine. When do I need to pick your parents up at the airport?"

"They should be here tomorrow morning," you said. "But they said they can just get a car to pick them up."

"Baby, I'm not going to send someone to pick them up when I'm able to drive to the airport and do it myself," he said.

"Okay, Okay," you laughed. "I'll let them know that way they know to expect you."


Later that night, you and Harry were at home. Even though Mac was still quite small and not really paying attention to many TV Shows or movies, you and Harry were currently watching a little kid's movie. You found yourself laughing at how this was your life now and you wouldn't change it. Harry was laying on the couch shirtless, with a half-naked Mac laying on top of him too.

You took out your phone and snapped a few pictures when you noticed something on Mac's little arm. You squinted and looked at it before leaning over and inspecting it even more.

"Harry Edward Styles!" You snapped. "I know, I know, you didn't put a fucking tattoo on my little baby!"

Mac whined when he felt Harry sit up and look at you innocently.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Harry said.

You rolled your eyes and pointed to the "ink" on his arm.

"Oh, that," he said. "We were celebrating."

"Oh my god," you groaned.

"Hey! I least I got the I heart Mum one!" He smirked. "You like it don't you little man?"

Mac babbles and stares at you with a little grin.

"See!" Harry defended. "Besides you can't honestly say he doesn't little cute with it on."

"That's not fair because he always looks cute," you laughed.

"Even more reason to leave it," Harry smirked.

"What am I going to do with your Daddy?" You laughed tickling Mac's belly.

"Lots, but Y/N please wait until the baby is in bed," he smirked.

You rolled your eyes and cuddled up with Mac in your arms. You actually thought the little tattoo on his arm was adorable, but you'd never tell Harry that.

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