Date Night - Part 33

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Tonight was the night. It was your and Harry's first night out since Mac was born. Harry had planned it all and got Gemma to babysit for a few hours of the night. You were in the bathroom taking a shower. When you were out of the shower, you went over to your makeup counter and started prepping your face before applying your makeup. You went a little bit heavier on the makeup for the night, but not too heavy. After you did your makeup, you curled your hair and pulled it back it a half-updo.

You then went into your closet and found the sexiest dress you currently owned and slid it on. You added your favorite accessories and shoes before heading down to the living room where Harry was waiting with Gemma and going over everything. When you descended the stairs, you could hear Mac babbling along with Harry and Gemma talking about something. By the time you made it to the last step, the talked had stopped and both Gemma and Harry were staring at you.

"Damn," Harry mumbled, eyes widened as they took you in.

You couldn't help but blush as you felt his eyes on you. "So, um... do I look alright?"

"Are you fucking kidding?" Harry said. "You look fucking amazing. Bloody hell.. I can't even take my eyes off of you."

You giggled a bit looking down at the floor.

"He's right. You're gorgeous," Gemma smiled.

"Thank you," you smiled.

Mac shows a little smile and babbles reaching out towards you. You giggled walking over picking him up out of Gemma's arms. He cuddles you and you kiss his head.

"Are you going to be good for Auntie Gemma tonight?" You smiled.

He yawns and nuzzles into you. You smiled rocking him in your arms and you look at Gemma.

"Are you sure you don't mind watching him?" You asked.

"Of course not," she smiled. "I've been waiting for this day since he's been born."

You giggled kissing his head one more time before handing him back to Gemma.

"Ready to go?" Harry asked. "We should probably get going in order to make our reservation."

"Yeah," you said. "I just need to grab my coat and bag."

He nodded and kissed Mac's little forehead before saying goodbye to his sister. You do the same and grab your jacket from the closet and Harry helps you put it on before handing you your bag. You smiled pressing your lips against his before heading out to the car. He opens the passenger side door for you and helps you get in before getting into the driver's side.

He turns on the radio and keeps it at a low volume before taking your hand in his and bringing it to your lips.

"I'm looking forward to tonight," Harry smiled. "And fuck you looking amazing."

You giggled. "Has it been that long since I've looked decent?"

"No," he laughed. "You always look beautiful, it's just tonight you look even more beautiful and I've got butterflies again."

"Do you feel like you're going out with a different woman?" You smirked.

He laughed. "Well technically, I am," he smirked. "I'm going out with a Mum. Never done that before."

You giggled leaning over to kiss his cheek.


When you get to the restaurant, Harry pulled up to the Valet and you both head inside. The hostess takes you two up to the rooftop of the restaurant that overlooks the majority of London.

"Wow. This is breathtaking,"  you smiled sitting down at the table.

"Well, you said you wanted it to be romantic," he smiled. "

"Thank you," you smiled.

"Your waiter will be with you shortly," she said handing you both menus.

"Thank you," Harry said.

You looked through at the different options on the menu before ordering. Harry ordered some champagne as well and took your hand into his.

"I'm really happy we were able to do this," he smiled.

"I am too," you nodded. "I'm happy to be able to dress up a bit instead of wearing yoga pants and a sweatshirt."

"You really do look beautiful," he smiled rubbing his thumb along the back of your hand.

"Thank you," you smiled. "And you look pretty damn good tonight yourself."

He smirked. "I tried," he joked.

You laughed and took a sip of your champagne. "You know, our one year of being back together is coming up soon," you said.

"I know," he said biting his lip.

Normally another year together would be a happy moment and while you both were happy about making it that far after everything, you two were also a look weary of it. A few of the times in your past attempts of a relationship the "trouble" or issues with your relationship came out around the one-year mark.

"But we're going to be fine," you said. "We're happier now and plus we have Mac. It's not just about us anymore."

He nodded. "I promised you when we got back together we wouldn't end up like we had in the past before. We were going to make it through and make it work."

"And so far we've kept that promise," you smiled.

He nodded and pressed his lips to yours.


After you enjoyed your dinner and a short walk through the city and some frozen yogurt. You and Harry headed back home. It wasn't super late, but it was still late enough for the two of you feel exhausted. You both said goodnight to Gemma and thanked her again for watching the baby.

Harry locked up, while you went upstairs to the bedroom to check on Mac. He was still fast asleep causing you to smile. You changed out of your dress and wiped off your makeup before brushing your teeth. Harry walked in and stripped out of his clothes and brushed his teeth before joining you in the bed. He wrapped his arms around you and brought you as close to him as he could. He kissed your head before you looked up at him and smiled.

"I love you," you whispered.

"I love you too," he smiled pushing a curl from your face.

"Goodnight," you smiled pecking his lips before laying your head on his chest.

"Goodnight," he smiled holding you to him.

You both quickly fell asleep in each other's arms, however, about two hours later you two were jolted awake by the sound of glass breaking and the house alarm going off.

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