You Should Have Been There - Part 19

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As the release date of Dunkirk was fast approaching, Harry had to fly out to LA for different interviews and other press junkets for the film. Since it was still early enough in your pregnancy, you were able to fly out with him. However, one of your doctor's appointments fell during the time that you two would be gone, so you arranged for your regular OB/GYN doctor to do the check up and send the results over to your doctor in the UK.

You and Harry were staying at your house in LA, which was another good thing about coming back here, you could pack up some things you'd need back in London. Going through your clothes and other items gave you something to do while Harry was busy and you were able to figure out what clothes you needed to get rid of and donate them.

You were downstairs cooking some breakfast, while Harry was in the shower. Harry had a few interviews to do that day and it was also the day of your appointment. Now, the appointment wasn't anything too important. It wasn't like you were going to be finding out the sex of the baby just yet, but you still wanted Harry to be there.

Once the eggs were finished, you portioned them out onto a plate and brought the plates over to the table. You poured two glasses of orange juice and grabbed the bowl of mixed fruit just as Harry made his way down the stairs.

"Is that my movie star boyfriend looking hot this morning?" You smirked.

He laughed giving you a kiss. "You didn't have to do all this," he said. "I could have grabbed some breakfast on the way."

"Well, I would have to make myself some breakfast, so I just added a bit more to split with you," you said.

"True," he laughed. "Speaking of, how are you and our little one doing?"

"Great," you smiled. "They're active, that's for sure."

"Aww, are you kicking Mummy?" He said putting his hands on your belly.

Your belly was definitely growing, but you could still get away with not looking pregnant just yet.

"And speaking of our little one, do you think you'll be able to make the appointment this afternoon?" You asked.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"It's at one, but I'll probably get there around 12:30," you said.

"I should be able to," he said. "We break for lunch around then. I might not be able to stay the entire appointment though."

"That's fine. It shouldn't take that long really. It's just a check-up," you said.

He nodded and started eating his breakfast.


Later that afternoon, you put some of the boxes of donated clothes in your car and dropped them off before heading to the doctor's office. When you pulled into the parking garage of the doctor's office, it was about 12:45. You looked around and didn't see Harry's car yet, but you knew he would be here soon.

You locked the car and went inside, where you signed in and waited in the waiting room. The closer it got to one o'clock, the more you wondered if Harry was coming. You knew LA traffic was an issue so he could be already on his way just late.

By the time they called you back, Harry still hadn't arrived. You texted him that you were on your wait back to the room and to just ask the front desk to take him back to your room once he got there. The nurse took a urine sample, your weight, (which you closed your eyes for), and your blood pressure before taking you back to the room.

You waited for both the Doctor and Harry. You made sure to check your phone to see if Harry had sent you a text about him running late. Even if it wasn't able to come, you would at least think he'd send you a text, but nothing. He hadn't even read the text you had sent him earlier, yet.

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