Baby Doing Just Fine - Part 30

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It had been over an hour since they took Mac back for surgery. You were laying in bed, while Harry sat at your side. Your parents had gone to grab some lunch while you all waited for the news of the surgery.

"How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Water? Crackers?" Harry asked.

"Our son," you sighed. "And sleep."

Harry sighed taking your hand. "I know it's hard baby, but the doctor is confident that he's gonna make it and everything will go smoothly. Besides Mac was at more of a risk without the surgery than having the surgery. There are still a few more hours left for the surgery, so why don't you get some rest."

"I know the doctor said everything will be fine, but it's still scary as hell. He's barely an hour old and he's already having to have major surgery. We only got to hold him for five minutes, if even that. It just all happened too quickly. Most mothers get to hold their baby nonstop after it's born... I don't."

"Well, I promise you, as hard as it will be..." he laughed. "That as soon as we're able to hold our baby boy again, you can hold him all you want and I won't even bug you about it being my turn."

You giggled. "You can hold him a bit too. He needs to know his daddy."

"Wow, I can't believe I'm someone's daddy now. That I'm someone's dad who I made... with you," he smiled.

"It is pretty unbelievable," you smiled.

"I love you," he whispered. "You were amazing and so fucking strong."

"You kinda have to be pushing a tiny human that doesn't feel so tiny in that moment out of you," you giggled.

"That was so cool to see... a bit gross... but cool none the less," he said.

You laughed laying your head back on the bed. "Our lives are officially changed now," you whispered. "It's no longer just the two of us. It's always going to three of us now."

"It's crazy, isn't it?" he smiled laying his head on yours.

"I love you," you whispered.

"And I love you," he smiled. "Now, please try and sleep for a bit. I know it's probably hard, but you need your rest now so that once he's out of surgery you'll have energy."

You sighed nodding before cuddling up next to him and closing your eyes.


It was more than a few hours later when you received the news that Mac was out of surgery and everything went perfectly. Your little baby was healthy and you could wait to see him and hold him in your arms again. Because he was still in recovery, you wouldn't be able to hold him just yet, but you could go down to the NICU and visit him.

Harry helped you into the wheelchair and you both followed the nurse down to where Mac would be. When you went in, you saw other parents with their babies, who were much smaller and worse off than Mac. You grabbed Harry's hand and he squeezed it.

As soon as you reached Mac's station, you smiled. He was perfect. His eyes were closed as most newborns are since they sleep so often. You put your hand through the opening and run your finger against his little hand.

"Hi baby, do you remember me?" you smiled. "it's Mommy."

Harry took out his camera and started taking pictures before doing the same as you and touching his hand.

"Hey, Mac, it's your Daddy. You're such a strong little guy. I'm so proud of you already. I love you so much," he whispered. "And I promise you won't be in this place forever. We'll be going home soon."

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