Pregnancy Changes - Part 18

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Harry was in the shower, while you were getting dressed in the bedroom. You two were going out for breakfast, mostly because you two needed to go grocery shopping due to the fact you were practically eating constantly. You grabbed your clothes that you were going to wear and started to put them on.

However, your body had other plans. You were trying to pull your jeans up over your hips, but they weren't budging.

"Fucking..." you mumbled to yourself before trying the old jumping up and down trick.

When Harry opened the bathroom door, steam filled the bedroom as he watched you jumping up and down around the room. He held the side of his towel around his waist.

"Uh, baby, what are you doing?" He asked leaning against the doorframe, an amused smirk crossed his face.

"Nothing fucking fits!" You groaned. "These are the fourth pair of jeans I've tried and I can't get them over these thunder thighs, and if I can they won't button because of my baby bump! In all my shirts, my boobs are just popping out for the world to see and my bras are all too tight," you sighed laying back on the bed.

Harry pushed off from the wall and walked over to you. "Baby, your body's changing, so we just need to go shopping and get you some new clothes," he said.

"How? I can't fit into any of my clothes I have here and I'm pretty sure it's illegal for me to go out in public naked," you said.

"That'd be a wonderful sight though," he smirked.

"Now, is not the time for jokes," you mumbled.

"I'm sorry," he said looking over at you. "What if you wore some of my things?"

"I'm sure in other relationships that would work, but your jeans are smaller than mine, so I highly doubt I'd be able to fit into yours," you laughed.

"True. I didn't really think about that," he said. "What about your yoga pants? Those fit don't they?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm gonna wear yoga clothes and look a hot mess, while you're all dressed for the runway," you mumbled.

"You look hot in your yoga clothes, but if it'll make you feel better, I'll wear some gym wear too," he said.

"Really?" you smiled.

"Yeah, it'll look like we went to the gym together or something," he shrugged.

You smiled over at him. "I love you," you whispered.

"And I love you," he smiled.

You giggled kissing him quickly before getting off the bed and going over to get your clothes.


Once you got the cafe for breakfast, you quickly opened the menu and started looking at all of the choices. You finally decided on veggie egg scramble, french toast, a fruit salad, some hash browns, and sausage.

"I swear all of these cravings I've had is going to end one of two ways, either I'm gonna pop out the biggest baby ever or I'm gonna gain all the weight and have to buy a new wardrobe every week," you laughed.

"But at least you're making healthy choices," he smiled. "I know some women only crave a bunch of junk food and hardly eat anything remotely healthy which puts them and the baby in danger. Luckily you have a good mixture."

"Yeah, but I think it's because I wasn't a huge junk food person, to begin with. I mean don't get me wrong I love eating a bag of chips or chocolate chip cookies or a huge burger and fries and some pizza, but I never really ate that stuff all the time," you said taking a sip of your orange juice.

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