You're Pregnant - Part 10

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Over the next few days, things were a little bit different between you and Harry. It wasn't anything bad, but you could tell that you both were nervous and scared about the pregnancy and the doctor's appointment.

The only people who knew about you being pregnant was you and Harry and Manny. Harry was a little upset that you hadn't confided in him that morning when you took the test, but he understood your decision in involving Manny.

You were waiting in the doctor's office right now and the doctor arranged for you to come before they opened so that none of the other patients might recognize you and Harry.

Harry held your hand the entire time. "I know this might sound a bit old-fashioned, but I kinda always thought I would be in this position after I was married," he said.

"Me too," you sighed. "And I didn't expect this to happen until I was much closer to thirty."

Harry kissed your head and the doctor called you back. They ran a few tests and then gave you an exam before coming back with the results.

"Okay, Y/N, Harry," she said. "We have the test results from both your urine and blood tests and they both confirm that you're pregnant."

Tears filled your eyes and Harry took your hand.

"How far along?" You whispered.

"A few weeks," she said. "We go by the date that you start ovulating not when you conceived."

You nodded.

"And just so you know, you do have more than one option," she stated.

"We know, but we've decided to keep the baby," you said quietly.

"Okay, we'll send these results to your primary doctor and I suggest that you make an appointment with them asap, so you can get your prenatal care started. We can give you some vitamins to start taking, but as far as other care, it's better for your doctor to assess that," she said.

"Thank you," you whispered.

"I'll let you get dressed and be back with the information," she said.

You nodded.

After she left, Harry looked over at you. "Well, looks like Niall is the last one of the group," he laughed.

You looked at him confused. 

"To have a kid? Louis, then Liam, now me," he said.

"Oh! Right," you laughed. "He's gonna feel the pressure now."

You stand up from the table and reach for your shirt when Harry put his hand on your belly. "I can't believe that our baby is growing inside there," he whispered.

"I know. I'm a whirlwind of emotions right now," you laughed. "I'm absolutely terrified, but I'm also happy."

"I know exactly what you mean," he whispered. "I keep thinking this is not the best time and I'm scared as hell about it, but I'm having a baby with the love my life," he smiled. "I'm gonna be a daddy."

"Yeah, you are," you smiled putting your hand over his.

He leaned down to kiss you and then the nurse came back in. She handed you a packet of information and some vitamin samples to get you started. After you leave, you two head to a nearby Starbucks to grab some breakfast.

"So, I guess our next step in this whole process would be to tell everyone," he said. "I mean not everyone, but our families for sure."

"Yeah, but I think it would be best to maybe wait a bit," you said. "I just want to see my own doctor and make sure everything is still going well."

He nodded. "Will it be after tour?"

You nodded taking a sip of your green tea. "Luckily I only have a few weeks left," you said.

"And then we'll go from there," he said taking your hand. "I'll only be with you for another week and then I'll be going back to London for a few things and then New York and LA. I'll be doing quite a bit of traveling once the album is released, so I don't know how we'll be able to be together during that time."

"I can join you. I'll be back in LA by the time that you're there and then I can go to the doctor while I'm back and we can try and figure out when to tell our family," you said.

"I just don't want you to travel any more than you after to because you've already been traveling so much and now that... you know... you'll be traveling for a few more weeks and I want you to be able to take it easy," he said.

"And I will. I promise," you smiled. "And hopefully we can take that nice, romantic vacation together that you promised."

"As long as you're still feeling up to it," he smiled.

"I plan on it," you laughed.

After a quick bite to eat, the two of you head back to the hotel. You looked through the little pamphlets and information packets that the nurse gave you.

"Anything interesting?" He asked jumping on the bed beside you.

"Yes and no," you said. "Apparently our baby is only about this big," you said making an itty bitty circle with your hand. "And it's going to go from that to like baby sized, which means I'm gonna get fat," you groaned. "I mean I know I'm not exactly super duper skinny right now, but I'm not like really really big either," you mumbled. "But I will be."

"You'll be pregnant, not fat and even if you were, I'd still love you," he said grabbing some of the papers from you and reading them.

"But would you still find me attractive?" You said.

"Of course I would," he said.

"So, when I look like I'm carrying a 20-pound watermelon under my shirt, you're still gonna be like all over me and wanting to fuck?" You asked looking at him.

He looked at you and laughed.

"What? That's not funny!" You whined. "I'm being serious."

"I know, but I just I wasn't expecting you to word it like that," he laughed. "But yes, you could look like you're carrying a 50+ pound watermelon under your shirt and I would still wanna fuck you every chance I had."

"What about stretch marks? Cause there's gonna be tons of those," you said.

"Even then," he said.

"What about the aftermath of being pregnant? Like I'm not gonna look the same as I do now," you said.

"Baby, you don't have to worry about me ever not being attracted to you and finding you sexy," he said.

"You say that now when I still look like this, but that could change when I start showing," you said.

"Actually, I think I'm going to find you even more attractive because I'll look at you and see our little bundle of love growing inside of you," he smiled.

"You're so fucking cheesy," you laughed.

"It's all those Rom-Coms," he joked.

You laughed shaking your head as you laid back on the bed while Harry joined you. 


Well, it's official, Harry and Y/N are gonna be parents! :) 

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