Living Like a Family - Part 31

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One month down. Mac had officially been home for a month. He was sleeping in his crib in your and Harry's bedroom. Mac was finally sleeping through most of the night, when he first came home, it was crying every two-three hours, but now he only wakes up once or twice a night. However, still, you and Harry were far from catching up on any sleep because since you were breastfeeding, you had to pump every so often through the night.

It was early one morning when Mac started to cry. You went to get up, but Harry stopped you before swinging his legs off the bed and walking over to pick him up.

"Woo, someone's stinky," Harry groaned. "I should have let Mummy get this one."

"I tried, but you offered," you smirked from the bed.

He laughed and brought him over to the changing table and started changing his diaper. Once Mac was all fresh, clean, and changed before bringing him over to the bed.

"There, all clean and smelling fresh like Daddy," Harry smiled laying him on the bed and tickling his tummy.

Mac stared up at Harry and kicked his little feet. You sat up and looked over Harry's shoulder and smiled.

"How's our baby today?" you smiled.

Mac turned his gaze over to you and he started kicking his feet even more.

"Well, someone's a Mummy's boy," Harry laughed.

"Aww," you smiled leaning over and tickling Mac.

He let out a little giggle and Harry grabbed his phone and took a photo of the two of you together. You picked Mac up and held him against you. He quickly started putting his face against your breast through your shirt and you laughed. You pulled your shirt down and placed him on you and he quickly started suckling.

"He might be a Mommy's boy, but he looks and acts just like you," you laughed.

"Well, I mean," he smirked.

You rolled your eyes.

"What are you wanting for breakfast?" Harry asked. "I can go make something or go get something down the street."

"You really want to get out of the house don't you?" You laughed.

He laughed, "A little," he nodded. "But mostly I don't want to have to clean up after cooking."

You giggled. "Well, then you can just get me a breakfast sandwich and a smoothie," you said.

He nodded. "Do we need anything else? Diapers?"

"Um, we could always use more diapers," you laughed.

"Okay," he said throwing on some gym clothes. "I'll be back within the hour."

"Okay, love you," you smiled giving him a kiss.

"Call me if you need anything else, love," he said.


Harry got in the car and drove to the nearest store to grab some diapers. He went in and picked up a few boxes of diapers along with some wipes. He also found himself picking up a few bath toys, onesies, and few other stuff. He then passed the candy aisle and grabbed your favorite chocolates before heading to check out.

When Harry got outside, he noticed there a few paps across the street. It had been a while since either of you had been out of the house and when you have it was to get groceries or diapers. Neither of you has spoken about Mac's arrival to the public, although it's been speculated about on social media.

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