A Baby Just In Time For Christmas - Part 29

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Harry had gotten off the plane and over to get his baggage before heading out to his car. He couldn't wait to see you and hold you and kiss you. He had missed you so much while he was gone and to be honest those last few weeks apart had been the longest you two have been away from each other since you got back together earlier in the year.

Thinking back on it now, so much had happened in such a short amount of time. Both for his career and his personal life with you. He had a successful debut album, was part of an extremely successful movie, had a sold-out tour, got back together with you and now he was soon to become a father. Once Harry got to his car, he saw your dad actually standing outside of it.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Y/N's in labor at the hospital," your dad answered quickly.

"What?" Harry said, losing a bit of color in his face and almost dropping his bags.

"She started having contractions early this morning and your mom and Y/Mom's/Name took her to the hospital a few hours ago," he said. "We were going to call you, but we knew you'd be on the plane."

"Oh my god, she hasn't had him yet as she?" Harry asked getting into the car.

"As far as I know, no," he said. "Y/N's very persistent on not having him until you get there."

Harry nodded and your dad quickly drove to the hospital.


You were in the hospital room laying on the bed as the contractions started getting worse. You groaned and looked over at the clock. Damnit where was Harry? You needed him here with you. Your Mom put a cool cloth over your head and held your hand.

"Has Harry landed yet?" you cried.

"I don't know, I haven't heard anything," Anne said. "I'm going to try and call him."

Another contraction hit you, so squeezed your Mom's hand and breathed through the pain.

"Harry!" Anne said. "Are you on your way?"

"Yeah, we're 15 minutes away. This bloody traffic," he snapped.

"Harry!" You shouted.

"Baby, how you doing?" He asked.

"It hurts," you sniffled.

He sighed. "I'm sorry baby, but I bet you're doing great."

"She's doing amazing," Anne smiled.

"Y/N, I love you and we're almost there," he said.

"Please hurry," you sniffled. "I need you."

"I know," he sighed. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

Anne let Harry go and you sighed leaning back against the bed. The doctor came in to check you out.

"Well, you're fully dilated," he said.

"Nooo," you cried. "My boyfriend isn't here yet."

"I'm sorry, Y/N, but your baby's coming," he said getting his gear on as well as the nurses coming in.

"I can't do this," you cried looking over at your Mom.

"Honey, you can do this," she said. "You've been doing it this whole time."

"Okay, Y/N, we're going to have the Mom's hold your legs and on your next contraction, push as hard as you can," he told you.

You reluctantly nodded and Anne and your Mom took your legs in their hands. You felt a contraction coming on and took that as your opportunity to push. You groaned as you pushed as hard as you and the nurses counted to ten.

"And relax," the doctor said.

You sighed and fell back against the bed. A few minutes later it was time for you to push again and you let out a bit of scream along with it.


Your Dad pulled up the entrance of the hospital and Harry quickly shot out of the car and ran to the floor your father gave him. He went straight to the room and heard your screaming before he went inside.

"I'm here!" He breathed out.

"HARRY!" You said quickly looking over the huddled up nurses.

"Am I too late?" He asked.

"Just in time," the doctor said.

Harry quickly got to your side and took your hand in his. He kissed your forehead.

"You're here," you whispered.

"I told you I wouldn't miss it," he whispered.

"Time for another push," the doctor smiled.

You squeezed Harry's hand and pushed as hard as you could.

"Here's the head, keep pushing," the doctor said.

You let out a scream as you kept pushing.

Harry looked over and saw Baby Mac making his way into the world.

"He's coming, baby, keep pushing, love," He sniffled with a huge smile on his face.

"I can't," you groaned.

"Yes, you can, you're almost there," he whispered.

You pushed a little more and finally, you heard a baby cry. Everyone in the room started crying and you looked over.

"Is he okay? Is he good?" You said. "I want to see him."

"Harry, would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" the doctor asked.

"S-Sure?" he sniffled.

As soon as he cut it, the nurses took Mac to clean him off before bringing him over to you and laying him on your chest.

"He's here," you cried. "Hi, my baby."

"He's beautiful," Harry sniffled kissing your head. "God, you were amazing."

"I hate to break up this amazing moment for the parents, but we'll need to take him into surgery in a few moments," the doctor whispered.

You and Harry nodded as you held your baby boy. "I love you so much, Mac," you whispered. "You're strong and you're going to be back in our arms soon enough."

"Mummy and Daddy love you," Harry whispered. "Come back to us baby boy."

Your Mom and Anne come over and say their welcomes to Mac before the nurse takes him into her arms. You all watch as they take your little baby away and you break down. Harry wrapped his arms around you and you both cried together.

You knew he would be okay, the doctor's reassured you, but you couldn't help, but worry if those few moments would be all that you had with your son. 


Baby Mac is here! 

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