The Brits! - Part 34

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You and Harry quickly sat up on the bed when you heard the glass break. Harry told you to stay put, while he went and checked it out.

"You can't just go investigate by yourself," you whispered. "What if it's someone breaking in?"

"I'll be fine," he said.

"What if they have a gun or something?" You said. "We should just call the cops."

"Y/N, I'll be fine," he said.

You rolled your eyes and took Mac out of the crib next to your bed and held him as he slept in your arms. Harry grabbed his phone off the charger from the bedside table and went in search for the reason behind the sound of the broken glass. He quietly walked down the stairs and came across the shattered pieces of glass and the cool breeze from the outside air. Harry had yet to find anyone downstairs, but he did see a large rock laying amongst the glass.

He carefully reached down to pick it up and looked to see if there was anything written on it or attached to it. Nothing. It was literally just a rock that had been thrown through his living room window. Harry was pissed. No, he was livid. He had hoped there had been someone inside because at least then he could ask them for some sort of explanation on why they broke into the house.

But all he had to go on was someone threw the rock inside. Luckily Mac hadn't woken up, but now he was going to have to call the police to have them write a report, he wasn't so sure Mac would be sleeping through that.

Harry went upstairs and he walked over to you.

"What was it?" You asked.

"A rock, someone or somehow a rock went through our fucking window," he said. "I've got to call the police for them to come and write a report."

You sighed nodding. "Who do you think did it?"

"I don't know," he sighed. "It could have been anyone and it could have easily been some stupid kids trying to be funny."

He kissed your and Mac's head before taking his phone out and calling the police.


It's been a few days since the rock in the window during the middle of the night incident. The police said they'd look into it and for you and Harry to be extra aware around the house to see if there was anything or anyone hanging around that was a bit unusual. You had a feeling they weren't really going to look into it because they were no leads or evidence of who it could be.

So far since that night, there hasn't been anything noticeable and definitely not any more rocks were thrown through the window. But tonight you and Harry couldn't worry about it because you two were going to the Brits, which would be the first red carpet that both you and Harry walked together since getting back together and since Mac was born.

Gemma and Anne would be babysitting that night and Harry had arranged for cameras to be placed outside of the house in case something were to happen again. So, he felt a little bit better if something happened while he was out with you.

Harry walked out of his closet dressed in his newest Gucci Suit. It was a dark navy blue with small white pinstripes and he wore a white see-through button up shirt underneath. You had chosen to wear a simple, yet elegant dark navy blue velvet floor length gown with a slit up to your right thigh. The top was strapless with a sweetheart neckline, which showed off your blue diamond necklace and matching earrings.

Your hair was pulled up to the side in curls and your makeup was simple, but still heavy enough for the red carpet and the flashing of the lights. As soon as Harry saw you, his eyes lit up and a smile formed on his face.

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