Escape from Battery City-Part 9

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Gasoline seems nice, if not suspicious.

Like Crash, she doesn't talk much. Am I the only chatty one here? It's getting pretty annoying to be answered with nods, shakes of the head, or short, bare minimum answers.

My heart is pounding now, I'm too afraid of getting caught again. Another run in with the draculoids is not what I want. I stop walking.


Am I remembering more? Cause that's not the kind of thing I would make up. Before now I had no idea what those things were called. But now.. Draculoids? I wonder do the other two know that? Gasoline probably does, being a killjoy and all. But what about Crash? Had she remembered? Or was it just me.

They both realise that I have stopped walking, and turn around to me.

"Cell..?" Crash asks, quietly, speaking for the first time in a while. "Something wrong?"

I shake my head and continue walking, but I don't speak. What a change!

Crash noticed that I wasn't talking first. She turns around to me, I'm walking slowly, not catching up with the two of them.

"What's wrong cell..?" She asks, and Gas stops, hearing Crash's rarely heard voice.

I shake my head. I'm not sure I want to tell them. Not yet. I need to be completely sure in what I'm thinking.

But what I'm thinking is that the mind wipe is wearing off.

Escape from Battery CityWhere stories live. Discover now