They sat down and Ricardo knew the questions were going to start. "So Ricardo, when were you going to tell us a woman finally caught your attention," Lester teased him. "I planned on telling you, but then I discovered the two of you were going to be coming back, so I decided to wait so you could meet her in person," Ricardo told them. They then began to share their submissives rules so if their dom isnt around, they would know if they're following them or not. "Peter is not allowed to have too many sweets. If he does, he becomes this uncontrollable bouncing ball of energy," Lester said with a kind smile as he looked at his submissive while Peter pouted a little. "Meaning he is to stay out of Rosalina's purse. She tends to always have candy in it," Ricardo said with a glance to Rosalina. Lester nodded, "Noted." "I'm surprised you allow that," Mitchel said with a chuckle. "She is very active unlike Zack and I who sit all day," Ricardo explained. "Plus she works too much and it's a reward for getting through it."

"I see," Mitchel said with a smirk. They then continued to talk about their rules. "How often do you guys work out," Mitchel asked Vance and Christopher. "Every Tuesday and Thursday," Vance replied. Mitchel then looked at Ricardo, "Every Thursday."

"Not all of us," Zack grumbles with his arms crossed. Ricardo rolled his eyes at Zack's pout. "I take it Rosalina doesn't have to work out," Lester asked curiously. "She has to go once a month. Her days off are scarce and I would rather her free time go to resting and relaxing," Ricardo explained. "Zack pouts and whines, mostly because he wants to watch her workout."

They nodded in understanding, since they too enjoy watching their subs workout. "Our workout days tend to be Thursdays as well," Mitchel shared. Lester agreed and soon they talked about meeting each other at the gym next Thursday. After that Ricardo and Vance began to talk to Lester and Mitchel about their travels while the subs got to know each other better.

"How long have you been with Master Ricardo," Peter asked Zack curiously. "Six months," Zack replied. "Kitten joined us a week ago." "So you call her by her sub name," Dominik asked him. "She is also my submissive," Zack explained. "I'm a switch. Master Ricardo and I are both her Doms while Kitten and I are both of Master Ricardo's Subs." "I don't think I could top Rafy here," Dominik said with a smile at Rafael. Rafael rolled his eyes as a light blush crept up his cheeks. "To each their own," Zack said with a shrug. "They mention you work a lot, what do you do," Rafael asked Rosalina. "I have two jobs," Rosalina replied. "I am a waitress and I work at a lingerie store." "Both places work her like a slave," Zack grumble.

"And what do you do," Peter asked Zack. "I own a tattoo shop," Zack replied. "What about you guys?" "I own a small tshirt making company. It's mostly an online only thing," Peter told him. "People are able to send me their requests and how many they need and I'm able to make them from home." "Master Mitchel wants me to continue going to school to further my education," Dominik replied. "And I'm still looking for a job. Master only wants it to be a part time thing so I can have plenty of energy for him and Dominik," Rafael replied.

They continue talking, everyone enjoying catching up. "So when will you idiots be coming to my club," Vance asked Lester and Mitchel. "After you make us fill out the paperwork and pay our fees," Lester replied while Mitchel nodded. Vance smiled, "It will surely be entertaining to have you two there." "Gone are the dull moments," Ricardo joked. Lester scoffed, "Like your lives are ever dull." Ricardo gave his submissives a look, "Never a dull moment with them, that's for sure." Zack smirked while Rosalina gave him a soft smile.

After dinner they went back to the house. Rosalina was taking a bath when her phone began to ring, interrupting her music. She grabbed it from where it laid on the floor by the tub and answered it. It was her manager Gina at the lingerie store. "Hey Gina," Rosalina greeted. "Hey Rosalina, you busy," Gina asked her. "Not really, what's up," Rosalina asked her. "So corporate is having us cut some hours, and I am having to cut two of your shifts for this week. I have to cut your shift for tomorrow and your morning Saturday shift," she told her. It hit Rosalina hard. Although she worked almost every day, Gina was cutting her two long shifts. All of her other shifts were short ones. Well, at least that's now two more days off this week, she thought. Her Masters will like that.

"Okay, that's fine," Rosalina told her, keeping this annoyance out of her voice as best as she could. She then hung up and sighed, sinking further into her bath. She stayed in for a little bit longer before getting out. She put on one of Ricardo's shirts and a pair of Zack's basket ball shorts. She went downstairs where Ricardo was sitting on the couch in a pair of his briefs drinking a glass of scotch with Zack curled up in his lap in his boxers watching TV. "Hey Kitten, how was your bath," Ricardo asked her while Zack shifted so she could join them. "It was wonderful," she answered as she got comfortable. "While I was in the bath I got a call from Gina, who is my manager at Lacy Doll. Apparently corporate told her to cut some shifts, so she cut my two long shifts this week, so now I have tomorrow and Saturday off." "How badly does that hurt you financially," Ricardo asked her. "I have the tips I got in cash saved up from the restaurant, so I should be fine," She told him. She then gave him a soft smile, "On the bright side, it gives me more free time to spend with you guys."

Although it made them happy, they just prayed the cost of that didn't hurt their Kitten too much. When Ricardo's phone began to ring his subs moved so he could answer it. It was Vance. "Miss me already," Ricardo joked while Zack Rosalina settled in. "Not really," Vance said. "I called to see if Saturday would be a good day for you to help me interview a couple of Doms who are applying for a membership, to see if they are truly sadists. After all, it's easier for a sadist to spot a sadist."

"I planned on possibly taking Pup and Kitten to the club on Saturday, so I guess that works out. I'll arrive earlier then have Pup bring Kitten," Ricardo said to him. He then heard a string of curses in the background, "Christopher Toby Corbin," Vance snapped. "Corner, now." Ricardo then heard Toby complain and stomp. "Still no balance with his meds yet," Ricardo asked him. "His psychiatrist isn't able to see him till Thursday," Vance said with a sigh.

Christopher was a nice guy who tries his best, but trauma he suffered through as a child really messed with him mentally. It made him hate hearing the sound of his first name being said, since it was a name he shared with his father. So anytime he met someone new, he would introduce himself as Toby. Until Vance. Vance felt it important to get him comfortable with hearing his name, and show him, that he is not the man he was named after, so he calls him Christopher, much to Toby's dislike. Clearly though it doesn't bother him too badly since he agreed to sign a contract with Vance. Out of respect for him though, Ricardo and Zack use the name he asked them to call him which is Toby.

"I was able to have a conversation with her over the phone though, and inform her of what's been going on, and the possibility of our lifestyle and the meds clashing," Vance told him. "She seemed to agree and told me to stop letting him take his current meds, and let them flush out of his system before she gets him on a new prescription. The mood swings have calmed down some, but his trouble streak has gone back to how it was when we first met. Thankfully its only when we're in private."

They spoke for a few more minutes before hanging up. Ricardo let his subs stay up a little longer before he decided it was time for them to go to bed.

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