Thank you

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Thank you so much guys for all the reads, votes, and comments. You guys are so amazing! When I honestly started this book, I didn't know where I was gonna take it. I didn't want it to have anything major like the Well Fuck series, but I knew there had to be some kind of drama that would affect all of them. I wanted this story to show that it doesn't matter what your background is, how you were raised, or what you've been through, that it's your choices that make you who you are.

I once read this in a book, "It's not your past that defines you. It's how you move on." I probably didn't fully quote that right, but it is one that has stuck with me for many years. I know in a past Q&A I mentioned my past, and how I got into writing. I took that quote to the heart and it's why I am the way I am.

I want you guys to know that if you had things you struggle with, whether it's your mental health, addiction, or whatever else it is, just know those things don't make you who you are. You're not your mental health. You are not your addiction. You are you.

If you don't have any of these struggles in your life but someone you love does, then be there for them. But if they just keep hurting you to the point it's an unhealthy relationship, then let go. It doesn't mean you don't love and care about them, but you have to think about yourself. If they use it against you, then they don't deserve you and you need to move on to bigger and better things.

I love you guys very much. Thank you very much for the reads, votes, and comments. I hope I can continue to give you guys more things that you love to read. If you don't already know this, then you can keep up to date with new books or discover other books I've written by adding Kat's Books and Ideas to your libraries. I don't do author's notes in my books because I know when I read stories and such they annoy me or get my hopes up that my favorite book has been updated. I avoid that as much as possible so I post any major notes in that book.

Happy reading guys and stay safe.

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