chapter 8

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A/N I just want to say something before you get to the reading. This story has mature content. It's in the bio if you haven't seen it. Remember, sex isn't the only type of "Mature content"!

I just had to get out of there, I couldn't deal with Noah being soo... Soft. And not at least me being so v- vo- no you know what I won't even say it. Nor did I want to think about it. When I stepped outside, I felt calmer. I leaned my head back and felt the rain carefully fall on my face. It felt good, kind of comforting too.

"I have to get to my other office, that's just what I need now," I think as I get into my car.

My office is quiet. It's always quiet. I like that. There's this calmness in the silence that I like. I'm all alone, nobody can find me, and nobody can escape me. Everything I do here stays here. Nobody will ever know.

A masked man steps into the room, he is carrying a big bag. It's a big black bag that looks like a huge purse mixed with a sleeping bag. He dumps it on the floor beside the one and only piece of furniture in the room, a black chair.

"It's done," it rumbles from the masked man.

"Thank you, James," I say.

He's kind of hot, now that I'm thinking about it. He's tall, dark skin, and for some weird reason, his eyes are blue? I thought black guys didn't have blue eyes. However, I'm happy he does, because It's really beautiful.

"Sabrina, it's time."

I love those words. It means that I can enter the crazy bitch mode. James walks over to the bag he placed on the ground earlier. He opens it and takes out the content. It's a short, dark man. James places him in the chair and ties his arms and legs to the chair. He doesn't have to do it, but he's here for the same reason I'm here. We both chose this. which means he enjoys doing it. He enjoys watching me do it. It's why we're here, we enjoy it, we need it.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" I say as I look him in the eyes.

"Is this some sort of sick joke? Did my wife hire you?" He said, his face got a red-ish color, and his knuckles turned white.

"What's your wife's name?" I ask with a devillike smile. His face went from red to white in the split of a second. I love that. He's terrified, he knows that he won't make it. That's my favorite moment. When they realize that they're going to die. They react so differently, some of them cry, or beg, I've seen so many different reactions.

"Jaaaaaaames. Do you want the honor?" I playfully bowed for him.

"Yes, dear, I do." He answers with the same style.

He looked at the wall for a few seconds before taking his mask off and disappearing through a door. He came out with a bat. You know, those big metal baseball bats? Yeah, one of those. The guy started shaking, and his pupils widened.

"Please! Don't do this! I have a wife, children!" He screamed.

"They won't miss you!" I yelled back at him as James swung the bat and hit him right in the face with it.

"Knockout! High five!" I yell playfully, and James laughed.

"Split it like we usually do?" James asks.

"You mean split it like you usually try to make us do?"

"Is it really that bad that I want us to split it 50/50, Maine?" He asks.

"If you consider how rich I am, and you're not, then yes." I tease him.

"Yeah, that's so funny, isn't it. I shouldn't have fucking asked." He lays his hand on his forehead, and makes a funny face, or try at least. It's a little awkward.

"Wanna go grab something to eat?" He says, looking at me with his big blue eyes.

"Yeah, sure. Why not." I say. 

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