33. Some more bombs!

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"Come again?" I asked hearing Jade's stupid joke. It can't be happening. Yesterday I told Mimin about the bet and now she is playing a prank over it.

No girl, please you better be kidding.

I blinked again glaring at both of their faces one by one. "Please say it's a prank."

"Yes, it is." Jade finally agreed.

I sighed in relief but then, he added, "A prank that fate played on us."

"I beg your pardon?" Miael faintly spoke up. "Last I checked, I moved into my husband's house a night back. Now you're telling me, I'm not his wife?"

Mimi's face turned paler, "well, technically, you're not his legal wife but you did marry him in a chapel so..."

"Yeah, so traditionally, you're still his wife." Jade tried to utter a laugh which came out as a mixed cry.

Aunt Felicia was still half way to the dining table, standing still biting her nails. Mum was staring at all of us blankly while both the Fathers were boiling in anger.

"Is this a game Jade?" Uncle Martin yelled. "You do realise, the after effects of your confession today?"

"Mimin?" Dad blinked, "What the hell?"

"It's his fault!" She pointed at Jade while he pointed back at her, "No, It's her fault!"

Who cares whose fault? I turned to face Liam who was chewing French fries continuously.

"What's your problem?" I mumbled pinching his arm.

"You, of course." He whispered back, rubbing the reddened area.

"Damn it!" Miael almost crooked. She was almost crying. I haven't seen her so miserable ever.

Mimin stood up from her seat and crawled to Miael's, "Are you okay?"

"Noah?" Jade finally spoke to the first guy he was supposed to apologize to. "Noah?" He called again.

Miael clutched her hairs with her hands in frustration.

"Noah." Dad called him too.

He was sitting peacefully with one French fry stuck into his mouth for I don't know how long.

"I don't get it!" Liam also decided to acknowledged the situation, stomping the table as he stood up. "Jade, why?"

"I know you like Miael as your sister-in-law but hey, you got Mimin too now... so... cheer up?" Jade babbled.

"The fuck is wrong with you!" Mimin yelled at him. "Can't you see how complicated everything is. Stop fooling around."

"Huh? Well so are you planning on sitting and crying over it? You have known it for a couple of days now, get over it." Jade yelled back.

While the newly exposed couple got engaged in fighting, the world witnessed something nobody had ever thought could happen. Noah finally stood up from his seat stomping the table, drank 5 glasses of water one by one and sat back. The whole room went silent for a moment, Miael seemed so lost she didn't even pay any attention to Noah.

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