4. You smell like spring blossom!

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As the wind blew over my shoulders, I could feel the coldness growing amongst our phone call.

"Scent of rain?" I laughed slowly.

Mieal's voice faded a bit before she spoke again, "yes, and that is how it lead me to choose a weirdly different path that I don't believe I could have chosen in my senses."

She never makes mistakes, that's not her.

"Regrets?" I asked sighing a little.

"He is annoying, crazy, stupid and now my husband." She huffed before adding, "but he is annoyingly caring, crazily polite, stupidly honest and now, my calm and peaceful husband."

"I'll take that as a no to regrets than?" I smiled pitying my sister.

What magic had Noah Martin done on her? Mieal Renaldi saying she didn't make the choice in her senses and yet she doesn't have any regrets, Oh boy, there's a lot left to happen.

Miael hung up our phone call after speaking her heart out. I was partially satisfied with the answer. After all, everyone finds their scent of love sooner or later. Maybe this was Destiny's way of getting them together. I looked down the roof to find Liam sitting in the parking lot with his friends on the bonnet of his car. I can't get rid of ever, can I?

Venicia and her gang of girls surrounded him, eating him alive with their eyes. He too looked contended, as if he was enjoying the treatment. Such a Besharam Jerk.

Lele was right about half of them. Jeff was with 4 girls, two on either side of his arm, one hovering over his back while one simply flirting with him facing him. Periodically he would kiss the one on his left while asking the one on his right to kiss him back. His hand had been exploring a lot of places I would never let any guy closer to randomly. The girls seemed unbothered, rather they were enjoying it. How old I grow, I was never going to get used to these stupid things.

I turned to Jade, he was busy smoking his cigarette while caressing the love of his life, his motorbike. It is known, if you wish to live, leave Jade and the love of his life alone, always.

While I was busy feasting on the lovely scene of Jade Martin being more human to a motorbike than the real breathing things around him, something weird caught my eyes as Eric rushed to Liam all of a sudden parting the girls away from him. He bent down to his knees trying to get a grip on his breaths while speaking to Liam. At first, there was confusion on Liam's face but later he quickly turned his face upwards towards me.

All of a sudden he matched my gaze and his expressions stiffened. He got alerted— began to run inside the building and disappeared. I avoided his thoughts and tried to get down the railing but slipped a little. That is when I realized it was pretty high for my height to get down on my feet without taking support and if I fell towards the back, it would be falling down from the 7th floor. People wouldn't be able to find my bones for days. And to add the cherry on top, I had a problem of anxiety which was usually triggered by my fear of heights.

Above this, the chilly weather was causing my mind to be blocked completely. It was the winter breeze, my enemy.

I began to breathe heavily trying to find a way to get down safely or at least alive. My eyes searched every corner of the place to find anything I could use to get out of this condition, my throat completely dried making it impossible for words to escape my mouth. I was getting restless when suddenly I heard footsteps approaching me causing me to distract a little. Hopefully, I was about to be rescued, I was expecting Lele to come up but it turned out to be someone I would die but never trust on.

"Are you crazy, why would you jump down a building just because I said something mean to you?" Liam cursed storming towards me.

Geez, what is wrong with this guy?

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