29. Reality sucks, but not that much.

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Life keeps on throwing challenges, although we catch the ones that fit our dreams.

But in my case, none of the challenges listed right now was capable enough to help me reach my goal. I was in a golden mess right now and it was heartbreaking to even think about it. I reached the Martin mansion after racing with the winds, they loved to play with my hair while my hair loved to get frizzy and messy for no reason. Jade had a habit of ruining my hair, always! Everything right now was just reminding of his foolishness.

"Mimin!" Mum rushed out on seeing me get down Jade's bike. Technically, it was Jade's bike but didn't the papers made it clear, everything that belonged to him now belonged to me too.

"Mum!" I hugged her inhaling her sweet honeydew scent. "I missed you."

"No, you didn't." She slapped my back, "you were with your ocean, you can't miss anyone once you both get united."

Her words worked like salt on my wounds. "Don't worry, I'm back for good now."

I gave her a smile while walking inside my legal In-laws house for the first time in 2 years.

"Wait!" Jade yelled getting out of Liam's car. "Where do you think you're going, Renaldi?"

"Somewhere I could get rid of your face." I rolled my eyes.

"Mimi!" Riri jumped out of her car as her driver pulled it behind Liam's car.

"Hey, little sister!" I rushed to wrap her in my arms. I hadn't greeted her properly this morning, she sure was going to remember that for years. "My little bud had become a flower! You're so pretty!" I cupped her face.

"Yeah, just like a plum. Dark and fluffy." Liam mocked getting out of his car too. He still loved to tease her.

"Where's Noah?" Felicia aunt asked tossing her eyes at each one of our faces. I went on to hug her as she smiled loving the new graffiti I did on her son's bike.

"How does it look?" I winked moving aside.

"Gorgeous!" She cupped her face in awe. "I wish you could give this idiot some makeover as well." She pointed towards Jade.

"In your dreams," Jade smirked pulling up his sleeves.

Oh No!

"You Bitch!" He yelled chasing after me as I began to run farther away. "How could you Renaldi?"

"You stole my gun," I jumped up on Liam's car, "Its only fair if I do something to your true love!"

"Get down!" Liam almost cried, "That's my car, not Jade's."

"Mimin, get back here!" Jade crawled on top of Liam's car bonnet as I jumped to get on Riri's Car.

"Sissy, no!" Riri bit her fingers suppressing her scream.

"I'm sorry Riri, but it's his fault! All his!" I grinned throwing my bag at his face.

Jade smoothly dodged it as he rolled over to Riri's car like a ball. "You really think you can escape me?"

"Oh, you bet!" I smirked landing on the ground and running towards the gate. He followed me to the door of his house before finally getting a chance to corner me.

"Yes, I do bet." He smiled rubbing the back of his neck.

"Okay, that was just a prank..." I rolled the sleeves of my jacket as well, still struggling to run, "... don't take it to heart, please."

"We'll see about that." He bent down to reach the back of my knees as his one hand gripped my waist tightly picking me up. "You better wish the devil's on your side today."

Beauties and their BesharamsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon