24. It's a secret we'll never know!

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Out of all the stupid things my mother had taught me, sleeping peacefully was the last thing. There was not a single night after the fire that I hadn't dreamt of burning alive. But weirdly, it was a little different when the scent of rain was around me.

I woke up around 8, snuggling into the softest bed I ever had. My eyes glaring at the laptop screen placed on the table. I was not habitual of waking up to my reflections but even if I was, the sight in front of me was ridiculously unimaginable. 

I adjusted myself a little more cuddling into the warmth of Noah's body. How magical it felt to be around such a handsome person, to call him my husband!

Wait? The warmth of Noah's body? I raised my lashes to glare at the laptop screen again to find myself actually stuck into his arms.

I jerked my body out of his grip pulling the sheets with me as I sat beside him almost gasping in shock. It was so sudden even Noah woke up.

"Seriously?" He rubbed his eyes, "it's not even 8 properly."

He mumbled hugging my waist and going back to sleep. I swear my whole body was traumatized for a few seconds before I came back to my senses as he began to move his hands tightening his grip.

"Good morning!" Mum suddenly opened the door excitedly rushing inside our room along with my dearest mother-in-law.

Oh God! No! No! No!

Wait, this wasn't the worst part yet!

Why the hell am I in Noah's T-shirt?

Our dear mothers kept on drooling over the awkward situation shamelessly.

"It's not even 8, mother!" Noah groaned, "leave us alone!"

"What the hell is going on here?" My mind curled, hands entangled in the sheets, waist on fire because of Noah Martin and eyes stuck on the two devilish ladies still smiling at us.

"Mili!" Noah snuggled even more, "stop moving or I'm going to stay here forever."

I was literally frozen, how much more still does he want me to be?

"We better get going." Aunt Felicia smiled dragging my mother out of the room along with her.

Okay, now it's more awkward.

Why the hell am I in his clothes?

How did I end up in his arms?

What the hell did happen?

"Noah?" It came out as a question, a hesitant one.

He simply hummed pulling me closer.

"How did we end up like this?" I questioned nervously.

He slowly opened his olive-green eyes and calmly gazed at my face, "I clearly remember I slept first, so until you did something," he smirked trailing his extra-long fingers around the crease of my face, "I don't think we could end up like this."

I pushed his finger away impatiently looking for an answer in his magical eyes, "it can't be me. I don't remember anything."

"Good thing then," he threw his head back, adjusting himself, almost taking me in his lap, "it's a secret we'll never know."

Two things about Noah Martin, he is impossibly hot and his voice gets 100 times more seductive in the morning.

"This secret that we might never know, might actually hold the power to change a lot between us." I lifted up his chin with my index finger not giving up into his charm. Who the hell does he think he is?

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