19. It had the scent of Lavenders

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After a wonderful night laughing along with my sisters, my body ached as I tried to wake. It was the first time in many years that I had missed the sunrise. No matter what, how tired I was, I could never miss the sunrise. Though I would agree to sleep for hours once I have said my hello to the morning breeze.

I faintly walked down the stairs guessing the distance between each step while practically separating my eyelids using my fingers. It wasn't blurred but it wasn't clear as well. "What's for breakfast?" I yawned.

"Caramel muffins," Mum replied humming the words. She looked extremely happy by the way her feet danced.

I tossed out the last few steps as I jumped from the railing of stairs and landed on the couch. "What's cooking mum?"

"Caramel muffins!" She repeated excitedly still singing.
Her golden hair covered half of her face, while her mesmeric curves moved in sync.

"What's that smell?" Miael stepped down the stairs rubbing her eyes. She had the most amazing hair of all us ladies. Creamish black, just like dad's.

"Mum's been baking caramel muffins." I sipped my tea, "she has been humming it since morning too."

Miael repeated my steps and tossed down the stairs the same way I did and landed on the couch, right above me.

"Ouch!" I squealed.

"Caramel muffins." Mum sang again ignoring us.

Miael stood up in shock and went to check on her. She waved her hand in front of her face and lifted up her chin, "Mum?"

"Caramel muffins," Mum replied smiling through all the corners of her lips.

Miael took a step back and picked up the phone dialing a number.

"What are you doing?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Dialing 911."

Mum gave us both a weird look before picking up the bowl and mixing the batter swiftly. "Caramel muffins!" She yelled before walking out of the kitchen.

"What is wrong with her?" I asked scratching my head.

Miael leaned onto the kitchen platform supporting her head with a hand as she frowned, "it seems to be one of her old tricks to annoy me. Don't you remember how she baked lemon cakes for me to carry along on my first day at grade school?"

I recalled the terrible day as the taste of those sweet and sour lemon cakes filled my mouth. I swear that was the day that changed the way all the students treated us. Our parents were a little too cuddly. Especially mum. She would dress up my sisters exactly like each other, although they were non-identical, she made sure people get confused between them. It was like she wanted them to be popular to the extent that when I join them, I would already be considered a celebrity.

Our parents were the most in-love couple I had ever seen until Dad began to focus more on his business and everything began to fall back. But I guess love is too strong in front of such materialistic happiness and that is why their relation survived.

I rested my chin on Miael's shoulder as we watched our mother dance out her happiness while continuously spinning the spoon in the batter. "How am I going to save myself?"

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