40. Love Confession

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We got back home and I rushed to the washroom because my head was all wrapped up with the stupid scent of Oceans. Yes, it belonged to Jade Martin, the guy I supposed— I  hated the most.

There was a part of me that once loved that moron which I had buried so deep within that I didn't even remember it up until tonight. Why would you trigger back all those dark memories you asshole! I washed my face with lukewarm water before heading to bed. Mom and Dad were together in the dining room which had become a rare sight these days.

Well, I knew where the problem was. I knew I hated him because he hated me, but now that I was tied to him for this entire life, somewhere that little piece in my heart was getting nervous and excited at the same time. Somewhere, the hopes were coming up.

"You asleep?" I read his text. Nope, it's not my fault, the rest of the hype is being created by my psychotic husband indeed.

"Yeah," I replied.

Jade: Interesting, should I come to wake you up then?

Me: Nope, I'm fast asleep, and this is your nightmare.

Jade: Your lover has been obsessing over us though. That's supposed to be a nightmare to me.

Me: You've been obsessing over me since childhood, see, you even fooled me into marrying you.

Jade: Wow, I thought you regarded me as your retarded husband, Lover is a new title.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Did I really just? Oh no!

Damage control Mimi, damage control!

Me: Which other freak were you mentioning then? How come you have the time to speak about others?

Jade: C

Me: Please don't type Caleb.

Jade: See, you're admitting it.

Me: No, when did I?

Jade: Just now. So you've been cheating me behind my back all this time. Not fair Mimin.

Me: What? Shut up! You always speak bullshit. I never cheated on you. It has  always been you who gave him extra attention. Most of the times I feel as if you both are flirting with each other.

Jade: Oh really, does that make you jealous by any chance, dear wify?

Me: Whatever. I'm sleeping. Bye.

Jade: See you tomorrow. Night.

I closed my eyes keeping my phone aside because my heart had gotten a lot of scratches these days. I just couldn't help but deal with the struggle of pushing Jade Martin away. Even if I end up falling back into his love, he will still be hating me. It's always better to have a two-way relationship, may it be love, or may it be hate.


I woke up with the honking of Jade's bike outside my window. I was furious at my little heart for getting excited while the other half of me was angry at him for ruining my peaceful morning.

I got dressed up and walked down the stairs to find my mom treating her legal son-in-law like a prince. My red curls were all messed up and I hated them being that way, but this upcoming rainy weather was just fooling around with them.

"Which pigeon dropped you here? Kiddo?" I taunted picking up a burnt bread. I loved them that way, just like my twin.

He leaned a bit on the couch, "the one that said my momma has a nest here."

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