28. Game of Fate

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"Game of fate?" He laughed, "How can some silly game of fate curse me to stay with you forever?"

I looked up instantly trying to figure out what he meant. "Force you to stay with me?"

"You have been crying over this for I don't know how long and now you're asking me?" He twitched his brows. "You're really stupid, Mrs. Martin."

"Wait, what? First of all, I'm not Mrs. Martin," I said standing up, "second of all, I'm crying over the fact that I'm never going to be able to be with my ocean again and third," I breathed, "over the fact that I've ruined my sister's relationship unknowingly. Which one of these facts forces you to stay with me?"

"The fact where you ruined your sister's marriage?" He ran his fingers through his hair. "Besides, according to my family traditions, divorces are not allowed, so even if you and I are stuck together, Noah and Miael can't get separated either, unless they want to."

I grabbed his collar all of a sudden in shock, anger, anxiousness and what not pushing him to the wall behind him, "what do you mean? How am I stuck with you?"

"What is wrong with you, Renaldi?" He didn't defend my actions, just the words, "this is what we have been talking about all this while. Attorney Pascal called me a few days back, he wanted me to collect our marriage certificate, not Noah and Miael's. You were in the camp so I couldn't reach you."

"I'm married to you." It came out as a conclusion instead of a question.

"Who else you think fate would use to mess up with you?" He slowly freed his collar from my grip. "Is it really that unbelievable for you?"

My throat went dry, yet forcing my voice out I tried to answer him, "how did this happen? Someone can get confused between me and Miael, I understand but how come it happened with you and Noah? What the hell happened that day?"

"For now, all we know is we got married that day and we have managed to not let that fact affect us for 2 years unknowingly so I think it won't be a problem anymore." He brushed his hair from his face.

Jade Martin, you're so dead!

"Do you know there are some papers that hold the power to tie us with each other for eternity because my Dad's new business and your Dad's new shares depend upon them?" I howled clutching my fist.

"Well, technically just those papers can't hold us together, can they?" He asked.

"They hold our father's businesses, and Miael and Noah's relation together so yes, they technically can hold us together," I repeated yelling at him impatiently trying to leave.

"Where are you going?" He blocked my way.

"Just because some papers claim me your wife, you've got no right to intervene in my life." I removed his hand from my way.

"Just because some papers claim you, my wife, I've got more right to intervene now. Also, I'm keeping this for now." He said showing me my gun.

"That's my gun." I tried to snatch it away. "Give it back."

"Everything that belongs to you now belongs to me too." He grinned. "So stop being rude and arrogant about it. That's not the solution."

"Fine." I pushed him away. "Do whatever you want! I'm ruined already."

"Mimin!" He yelled pulling me closer by my arm. "Its not my fault this time."

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